Search results

  1. Littlemagicdude

    Other hobbies?

    As im getting back into magic and such, I have gotten into many other hobbies in this past time. The biggest one is speedcubing, and i go to competitions now. What about you guys?
  2. Littlemagicdude

    Remember Me?

    I've been part of the magic community for probably 4 years now, and I joined these forums in 2020. Over the past year, I have stopped really doing magic as much, and I am trying to get back into it. I used to be very active on these forums 2 years ago, but I havent posted on it since. So...
  3. Littlemagicdude

    Marketplace Submissions

    Hi! I submitted a cut called "Bumblebee" to the marketplace around two weeks ago, and it still has not been declined/excepted, and it said that it would be within 72 hours, and its been 2 weeks. Please help!
  4. Littlemagicdude

    Click Pass Tips

    I recently have downloaded the effect 3Fry on her, and I am having trouble with the click pass in the second phase. If anyone has any tips for me, please help me out! Thank You!
  5. Littlemagicdude

    What Editing Software does Fontaine Cards use in their cardistry Videos?

    Hi! I am working on my first cardistry video, and I just want to know what editing software Fontaine cards uses in their ones. I like the style of it, so if anyone knows, just tell me. Thanks!
  6. Littlemagicdude

    Looking For Tricks!

    Hi! I’m 10 years old, and I have been doing magic for a little over a year now, and I am looking for some tricks to learn! My hands are really small, and I cant palm a card without the corners peeking out. I have been looking for a good impromptu trick, with no gimmicks or gaffs, that you can...
  7. Littlemagicdude

    Cardists in Summit or New Providence NJ?

    Hi guys, just wanted to know if there is anyone (mostly kids) that do cardistry near summit or new providence NJ. Let me know down below!
  8. Littlemagicdude

    Unnamed 4 Packet Cut Tutorial

    Tell me your thoughts down below! Also, what should it be called?
  9. Littlemagicdude

    Skater Cut+ Kick Flip tips

    Hi, I am working on Skater Cut+ Kick Flip. Whenever I try to do the kick flip, when the packet is kicked, it falls out. But, when I hold the packet being kicked tighter, it does not spin at all. Any tips?v
  10. Littlemagicdude

    Quarantine Magic?.

    Any ideas for quarantine magic? If so, post here!
  11. Littlemagicdude

    The Best Theory11 Deck?

    My favorite is black nationals, just my opinion. The Aces are just GREAT on those cards!
  12. Littlemagicdude

    Sybil Cut Tips

    Pls help me with my Sybil cut! The packet held with my pinkie, ring, and middle finger always slips out. Any tips?
  13. Littlemagicdude

    All Things Color Change

    A place to share color changes!
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