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  1. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Build A Bundle!

    I went with the artist collection plus the leven Madison park to please my work as a chef. These are all decks that I don't get to see in stores in Australia so would be a great collection. Good luck all!
  2. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Most Desired

    Not so much a deck in particular but I've always wanted an impossible deck in bottle, I love the idea of them and have always wanted to try making one. Maybe a piracy deck in a bottle of rum would be a fun one.
  3. Stu-pendous

    How do I become a real performer?

    It's simple as just breaking that first hurdle. When I first started before getting paid I would just perform for friends, eventually it was something like a person on the sidelines not in the friend group getting interested in what I was showing them, then once that's there I move on and start...
  4. Stu-pendous

    Getting the urge to perform after 2 years off

    Ahh yeah, depending on the permissions of events doing the similar routine where the ashes of a burnt card reveal on the spectators arm is also a great one. I have a huge list of routines that I've performed but things like this one have been so long they slipped under my radar and I forgot so...
  5. Stu-pendous

    Getting the urge to perform after 2 years off

    So work and life got in the way of performing professionally for a couple of years, but recently I've been getting requests, which of course is making me miss performing. One such request is a roving magic and a drum and bass festival. I've not put my name down yet. But what kind of routines...
  6. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Collection!

    Goodluck everybody! Tried to get the t11 logo there these are the decks I could find easily haha
  7. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Your Favorite!

    I've loved a good deal of t11 cards. For the longest time NPH was my favourite but now it's Piracy. The level of detail on every card is just perfect. The most premium feeling deck so far.
  8. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Bundle & Save!

    Always wanted the Harry Potter decks. Repping the Slytherin by getting two. Then gold starwars to complete my star wars collection. Good luck everyone!
  9. Stu-pendous

    What impromptu tricks can I lead into if I have a deck with one face up Card

    The reversed card could be a fake out. So showing "a card reversed" but miscalling it as their chosen card. Take it out and control their card by whatever means, double lift or whatever move to show thier chosen card thereby also flipping the reversed card back to normal and ending the trick in...
  10. Stu-pendous

    Is it fake bicycle deck or real?

    Looks normal to me
  11. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Every Day Carry!

    Thank you! Much appreciated. 😄
  12. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - Every Day Carry!

    Alrighty here's my entry, I've been not performing for a while so to get me back into my comfort zone I never leave the house without these. We've got a few hours of routines in this one. Cards, My Zippo lighter My altoids tin filled with rings (including theory 11's Odyssey) Balloons for...
  13. Stu-pendous

    Recommend me a Dani DaOrtiz download.

    One of my biggest recommendations for lectures are the penguin live lectures, they're always lots of fun, teach lots of effects and a lot of concepts behind creating better magic. Dani has two penguin live lectures available. They are great value for money.
  14. Stu-pendous

    Some takeaways from my recent walkaround gig

    Not a problem! I meant finger rings yeah, my ring routines were all fun and simple but very visual. And not being gimicked meant there was no reset. I do have linking rings also, but found the every day stuff to be more impactful.
  15. Stu-pendous

    Theory 11 in John Wick

    I was having a great time watching John wick chapter four when suddenly I recognised an ace in a card game... "I've seen that ace of spades before" I thought as I focused all my attention on the cards at play. Then came the spread and I saw those beautiful gold artisan cards in full display...
  16. Stu-pendous

    Some takeaways from my recent walkaround gig

    I've done a few venues just like this sort of situations. Many times at a bar that doubled as a mini golf place. People are not there to see magic, they're there to drink and play. So being selective with who I started with was key. I would do simple to follow routines because it was quite loud...
  17. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - A Piece of Art

    Recently got out of a cast finally able to start drawing again, my daughter and I would always draw together so there was a solid month when I couldn't join in. Once I was able to use my hand were back to being able to use that time sharing that great qualitu time again. Here's my that one...
  18. Stu-pendous

    Advice for my first real walkaround gig

    ^^^ all perfect advice above, when I did roaming gigs I had those sets that I could keep in rotation the whole night. Another key point is to be comfortable with all of the routines. Get to the point where you can hit every beat by instinct. This gives you more time to make a more natural...
  19. Stu-pendous

    Saturday Night Contest - The Next theory11 Deck

    I still desperately want a Doctor Who themed deck, TARDIS blue, bigger on the inside and all the doctors and daleks as the court cards. So much magic I can think of from having a deck like that.
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