Saturday Night Contest - Your Most Desired


Director of Operations
Team member
Jun 5, 2009
Charleston, SC
Hey guys, hope everyone is having a great week!

This week, we want to keep it simple. The task is this: What is the one deck that you want the most for your collection? It can be any deck - theory11 or not - just let us know what that deck is! In the world of card collecting, there are SO many decks to choose from, and it's always fun to see what each individual considers to be their unicorn deck. Post the deck of choice in response to this forum thread by no later than 11:00pm EST tomorrow night, October 15th and after that we will select a post at random to take home this week's prize!

You can win 1000 Elite Points along with a deck of Gold Artisans and 3 Decks of anything we have currently in stock. Good luck!


Elite Member
Apr 26, 2013
Really bummed to have missed out on the Mail Chimp Summer edition. Those came and went in a flash!


Elite Member
Sep 17, 2021
I have a lot of awesome cards, but id have to say the gold gilded butterfly deck(marked) just because id love to get the gaff pack and it only comes in gold. I have the silver ones and really love them(the Egyptians preferred silver over gold) but unfortunately they don't make a gaff pack for the silver.
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