Search results

  1. J

    How much is a good price to charge for close-up

    Rick's post inspired me to share my personal details in regards to booking. For context, I live in an urban area of a little over 120,000 people in the city and about 367,000 people in the county. The average income of the city per person is a little over $60,000. The average rent for a nice...
  2. J

    Need advice on performing more

    Another one I forgot that will challenge you and make you become an even better performer is street busking. That is an excellent challenge to take on.
  3. J

    Need advice on performing more

    Try performing at open mic nights if your campus has them. If you have transportation, perhaps try looking for open mic nights at coffee shops and things of that nature. I know retirement homes are always looking for entertainment that you can volunteer for. Perhaps you can consider performing...
  4. J


    Double Cross is actually based on the classic ashes on the palm plot. The original ashes on the palm is a much more affordable method than Double Cross. There is also Sharpie by SansMinds for $35.00 but I would highly recommend just getting Double Cross over that version.
  5. J

    Best street magic product for around 35$

    B'Wave from Max Maven is great. Kolossal Killer by Kenton Knepper is also pretty good. Phone mentalism such as Cipher and City Prediction are also pretty good for street mentalism.
  6. J

    Best street magic product for around 35$

    Yeah you can even do it with pieces of paper if you want. It's very flexible.
  7. J

    Best street magic product for around 35$

    Thanks for the clarification. If you wanted something outside of card magic, I would say look no further than Extreme Burn 2.0 by Richard Sanders. But for cards I recommend either French Kiss, Torn and Restored Transpo, Quantum, or an Invisible Deck.
  8. J

    Best street magic product for around 35$

    Depends on what you are wanting to do. Are you wanting to gather a crowd and busk or are you looking to do it more David Blaine style where it's smaller groups?
  9. J


    My favorite way to perform this effect is Dave Loosely's Eclipse.
  10. J

    Best Street Magic Tricks?

    Are you planning on busking or doing it more David Blaine style such as walking up to a random group and performing?
  11. J

    Magic performance with Pass

    ACAAN with a memorized stack. For added power, I recommend Penguin's Marked Deck since it comes in Mnemonica stack right out of the box so you could perform ACAAN with a freshly sealed deck.
  12. J

    Card & Coin Routine

    The first thing that comes to mind is OneTrix by Mario Lopez. It's pretty decent.
  13. J

    Magic News

    To quote Judge Mahan directly: "Indeed, federal law directly holds 'dramatic works' as well as 'pantomimes' are subject to copyright protection, granting owners exclusive public performance rights. The mere fact that a dramatic work or pantomime includes a magic trick, or even that a particular...
  14. J

    Magic News

    Also to back up my claims even more for a counter-argument:
  15. J

    Magic News

    I know that everything can't be patented but you can certainly own the rights to certain performances such as Shin Lim own the rights to the Dream Act. If anyone performs Dream Act without his permission and profits from it, Shin Lim can sue them. If Jay Sankey spent more time on creating...
  16. J

    Magic News

    Not at all a useless hassle or no one would be willing to protect their IP. You bring up the point that anyone can reveal the method if it is patented. But is that not also true for methods that aren't patented as well? Methods are going to be exposed regardless of whether you patent them or not...
  17. J

    Need Help With A Routine

    I'm working on creating a new routine based around soda cans. I plan to open with a Russian roullette style opening utilizing Fizz Master by Paul Harris. I will eventually swap out one of the opened cans for another can to perform Healed and Sealed by Anders Moden. I typically like to routine my...
  18. J

    Magic News

    You're right, it was wrong of me to say magicians as a whole. It's more than likely the majority but it's not fair to group everyone in one category. If I invent a new method, effect, and presentation that is completely original that I don't want anyone else to copy, I would put a patent on it...
  19. J

    Magic News

    Magicians are such drama queens. It's sad. There are so many petty disputes over who created what in recent times that people will honestly forget about in two weeks since so many new effects are pumped out at a rapid rate. The magic "community" truly is toxic.
  20. J

    Stage magic show

    Just like close up magic, it's the magician that makes the tricks and not the tricks that make the magician. Stage magic is a different beast than what you are probably familiar with in close up magic. Your script needs to be way more on point than what a typical close up show's script is or the...
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