Healed and Sealed is a great one, theory11 just released a kind of Version 2.0 of it, most definitely worth the buy. For street magic, I tend to stray away from cards to open up or do 1 time things, but if a group asks me for more, then I pull the cards out. I like more organic magic like iHole, which is a fun, ungimmicked earphones through ring penetration, pen through bill stuff, easy things with everyday objects. Coin routines are nice for beginners to magic in general because there is a lot of material on coin magic and everyone has quarters, dimes, and nickels in their house. Card tricks can get kind of stale since it's one of the first things people think of when they think of magic so I try to perform unique effects. Lit, Mint Box, Double Exposure are all fantastic effects. I have a self-made (don't want to say original because I never did the research and don't want to be crucified) card-to-cigarette effect which I do sometimes, but not often since I detest smoking. If you want more details on that, PM me.
The most important thing in street magic is audience evaluation and management. You don't want to interrupt people who seem busy and rushing places, they most likely will say no and if they say yes, they'll often be impatient and have a "Hurry up and get on with it" attitude. If more people start surrounding you, make sure you can make sure the secrets go unnoticed or you're gonna be very embarrassed when someone points out what's happening. Pick effects that aren't angle-heavy or have great amounts of misdirection, audience management on the street can be tough since the size and position of that audience can fluctuate. A fantastic advice for magic in general is to practice, practice, practice. Start out with friends or family and eventually go out. Most important, have fun! Street magic is supposed to be light-hearted, fun, a breath of fresh air.