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    Science vs Art

    When a performer starts his performance with, "let's try this experiment", the first thing that comes to my mind is that I am in a science class. I get that mentalism is about plausibility, but that doesn't mean it has to be presented as a science. I have also seen some performers call their...
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    Sleight of hand isn't magic

    Let me tell you about myself. I have been performing for the three years and my routines are mostly mixture of magic, mentalism and suggestion. What created an impression of someone who doesn't perform is where I live. You see, people here believe that magic is 'real' and to present it as a...
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    Sleight of hand isn't magic

    From our point of view, we need sleight of hand to be a magician. From the laymen's perspective, it doesn't matter because the magician does the sleight of hand alone. Only the magician knows how it's done and when the magician finishes his performance and the audience is very impressed with the...
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    This may make me seem like a mean person but i need to say it. Nowadays it's rare for me to watch someone perform and enjoy it. I can't help but cring and feel like i would rather do anything else. What is happening?
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    Classic Cold Reading Books

    When it comes to cold reading Richard Webster is your friend. Everything written by him is amazing. Other books that helped me when I learned cold reading are :- Herb Dewey - Red hot cold readings Ian Rowland - The full facts book of cold reading Kenton knepper - Completely cold Peter Turner...
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    How did you do/know that?

    No, you can't prsent our art as a puzzle. I believe puzzles stand for everything that magic is not. Puzzles are the opposite of magic. If you prsent your magic as puzzle then you have definitely failed as magician.
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    How did you do/know that?

    "As magic stands, the question of 'how' is an embarrassment to the performer." Deren Brown from the book "Absolute magic" "Wondering how is weak mystery - for children. Wondering if is profound mystery for adults." Richard Busch from the book "The Destiny rsponse" I believe, if the answer 'how'...
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    What is the point? (confusing premises)

    I am not saying, there shouldn't be a compromise.what we do isn't real so there must be a compromise but what I am trying to refer to is unnecessary compromise. For instance, there is an effect that I perform which I appear to be "reading" body language. I used to be one of those people who...
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    What is the point? (confusing premises)

    Having little better to do, I watched one of Brian brushwood's performance(I know, I know) on YouTube. He was on stage performing "Esp". He was obviously talking about "Esp" because he had nothing esle to say and from the way he said "Esp", you can tell that he thinks it is worthless. Even in...
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    Do you have to explain what mentalism is?

    If you tell people that you can read minds, you are setting yourself for a challenge because the first thing that comes to their mind is "tell me what I am thinking." Maybe you can perform and convince them but why make you work harder by challenging them? What you is said about lying to them...
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    Mind reading help

    Peter Turner Peter Turner - pscholgical playing card forces vol#1 Ross Tyler - circle force Ran Pink - the white room Bazz - psyforce
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    What are some good card tricks involving stacked decks?

    Check out " The osterlind breakthrough card system" by Richard Ostrlind. Once you know the system, you will be able to perform the most amazing card effects. In my opinion, you can't perform a better effect using cards.
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    Mind reading help

    Learn about psychological forces. Peter Turner, Ross Tyler and Ran Pink have written good books about how to know a card someone is thinking of.
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    Being natural

    "All I gotta do is... act naturally" taken from "maximum entertainment" by Ken Webster. If you want to see something unnatural, just ask a magician/mentalist to perform for you and then, you will start to see the person infront of you change to become totally different person. You will start to...
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    Challenging the "classics" in mentalism

    I remember when I was new and asking for suggestions on how to start mentalism. When someone new asks on forums like this about where to start, a lot of people recommend " 13 steps to mentalism" and " practical mental magic". This thread is about why I don't think this books are for beginners in...
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    Sleight of hand vs Sleight of mind

    RealityOne, you asked good questions. First, magicians need to understand, if mentalism isn't performed in a plausible way then it shouldn't be performed. One example I can give is when I see magicians perform it in a tongue-in-cheek manner. I don't mean performing in a fun and entertaining way...
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    Sleight of hand vs Sleight of mind

    This thread is a good example how magicians misunderstand mentalism. The point of this thread is if you want to perform mentalism, don't try to learn one "trick" and act like you know about it. The method isn't the most important thing in performance and this is the hardest thing to understand...
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    I want to start learning mentalism

    First get Bob Cassidy's "fundamentals", this book will teach you amazing effects and how to present them as a mentalist. This book also has lists of books you need to study at the end. You also need to study the books of Richard osterlind. He is a genius and he will teach you a lot. It's going...
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    Sleight of hand vs Sleight of mind

    I believe you are taking about muscle reading, memory demonstrations, cold reading and suggestion. These are real and if someone wants to be a mentalist, these are must skills but most people want shortcuts and "magic pill". Just to go out and perform without much effort.
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    Sleight of hand vs Sleight of mind

    Some time ago, I posted a thread about magicians and boring mentalism but I didn't make my idea clear and I didn't have time to come back and clarify so rather than going back to that thread, I will try to explain about what I posted. There is no boring performance than a magician trying to...
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