Mind reading help

Jul 2, 2018

I'm new to these forums but I would like a bit of help. I have always heard of magicians/mentalists telling someone their card by listening to them listing out Ace - King, and all the suits(without a force, they just think of a card). I have tried and failed many times and I would like some help on finding resources please. I understand you can't explain the techniques here or anything, so if you know any books, or anything with some help on how to do it, that would be very much appreciated. Thanks,

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016

I'm new to these forums but I would like a bit of help. I have always heard of magicians/mentalists telling someone their card by listening to them listing out Ace - King, and all the suits(without a force, they just think of a card). I have tried and failed many times and I would like some help on finding resources please. I understand you can't explain the techniques here or anything, so if you know any books, or anything with some help on how to do it, that would be very much appreciated. Thanks,
Although it is possible to read people's body language to figure out what card they picked, most magicians fake it. They know what the card is selected early on and pretend to "read" their spectator as part of the presentation. It does take quite a bit of practice to be able to read people reliably.

@ChristopherT is probably the best person to ask about this stuff.
Jul 2, 2018
Although it is possible to read people's body language to figure out what card they picked, most magicians fake it. They know what the card is selected early on and pretend to "read" their spectator as part of the presentation. It does take quite a bit of practice to be able to read people reliably.

@ChristopherT is probably the best person to ask about this stuff.
Just a small question, does it notify him if he's tagged? Or will I have to contact him separately?
Jul 2, 2018
Although it is possible to read people's body language to figure out what card they picked, most magicians fake it. They know what the card is selected early on and pretend to "read" their spectator as part of the presentation. It does take quite a bit of practice to be able to read people reliably.

@ChristopherT is probably the best person to ask about this stuff.
Also you say it takes practice. Do you mean trying to read many people, and keep trying?
Apr 13, 2018
Learn about psychological forces. Peter Turner, Ross Tyler and Ran Pink have written good books about how to know a card someone is thinking of.
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Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
< Lurch Voice > You rannng? < /Lurch Voice>

Ok. So. You've got two choices - easy way, hard way.

Easy Way - force/peek/know the card somehow. Stacked decks are great for this. For years I got tons of mileage out of forcing a card and reading someone's mind. There's dozens of ways to peek a card - find one that fits your style and use it. You'll be amazed at how bold you can be with peeks. Then you develop a presentation that reveals it by supposedly seeing their body language.

Hard way - Actually read their tells. Two main ways I know of doing this - CMR and Actual tells (ie FACS). CMR is Contact Mind Reading/Hellstromism/Muscle Reading. I was very lucky to be given Full Contact Mind Reading by Jerome Finley years ago, and that is genuinely the only book you ever need to learn that skill. Though technically you can also learn the skill from much less expensive sources as well. The basic idea is you hold their wrists, and assign a value to each hand. So, "If it's red, think 'RIGHT', if it's black, think 'LEFT'". You read which hand their thinking of and go from there. Then High/Low, Men/Women, etc. With reading tells, you're doing basically the same thing but you can have them just imagine something and watch them. Cog by Ben Seward is the best source I know of for this.

The good news is, you can start with the easy way and use that to develop the genuine skills. Force a card, and then genuinely try to pick up on the little signals that tell you one way or the other for each step. In time, you won't need to know ahead of time and you'll genuinely be able to figure it out.

Also note - Most likely when you see this kind of thing done on TV, they're doing some kind of prep before the cameras are rolling. It just makes sense to be sure that you're going to get the optimal result.
Jul 2, 2018
< Lurch Voice > You rannng? < /Lurch Voice>

Ok. So. You've got two choices - easy way, hard way.

Easy Way - force/peek/know the card somehow. Stacked decks are great for this. For years I got tons of mileage out of forcing a card and reading someone's mind. There's dozens of ways to peek a card - find one that fits your style and use it. You'll be amazed at how bold you can be with peeks. Then you develop a presentation that reveals it by supposedly seeing their body language.

Hard way - Actually read their tells. Two main ways I know of doing this - CMR and Actual tells (ie FACS). CMR is Contact Mind Reading/Hellstromism/Muscle Reading. I was very lucky to be given Full Contact Mind Reading by Jerome Finley years ago, and that is genuinely the only book you ever need to learn that skill. Though technically you can also learn the skill from much less expensive sources as well. The basic idea is you hold their wrists, and assign a value to each hand. So, "If it's red, think 'RIGHT', if it's black, think 'LEFT'". You read which hand their thinking of and go from there. Then High/Low, Men/Women, etc. With reading tells, you're doing basically the same thing but you can have them just imagine something and watch them. Cog by Ben Seward is the best source I know of for this.

The good news is, you can start with the easy way and use that to develop the genuine skills. Force a card, and then genuinely try to pick up on the little signals that tell you one way or the other for each step. In time, you won't need to know ahead of time and you'll genuinely be able to figure it out.

Also note - Most likely when you see this kind of thing done on TV, they're doing some kind of prep before the cameras are rolling. It just makes sense to be sure that you're going to get the optimal result.
Thank you very much. I have performed a kind of mind reading trick with forces before but I kinda wanted to take it to the next level as people get suspicious(the community I live and work in just seem to want to debunk everything, so they have heckled me about peeking and forcing before). This has been very helpful, except for one final question. Do you know where I could find any of those books. Once again, thanks a lot!

Antonio Diavolo

Elite Member
Jan 2, 2016
Thank you very much. I have performed a kind of mind reading trick with forces before but I kinda wanted to take it to the next level as people get suspicious(the community I live and work in just seem to want to debunk everything, so they have heckled me about peeking and forcing before). This has been very helpful, except for one final question. Do you know where I could find any of those books. Once again, thanks a lot!
You could also learn a stack or get a marked deck (or use both together if you wanted to really mess with them) since they know of the common magician methods of forces and peeks. When I first started to learn mnemonica, I got about the first 26 cards down and decided to do the most basic thing possible with it which is divine a selected card. Since the selection seemed very fair as they could really pick/cut to any card they wanted, everyone I performed it for (I was in class at the time and we had nothing to do) genuinely thought I could read their body language and kept trying to trip me up.

One suggestion I've heard is to first force/peek a card and pretend to read their body language. Then, as you're listing off the card suits/numbers, look to see if they exhibit any noticeable tells when you get to their card. You could then use this information to actually read their body language for another trick. This also might be a good way to practice picking up tells if you notice commonalities from person to person. To be honest, I've never actually tried this but in theory, it could work.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
FACS is a training program you can buy - The Facial Action Coding System. It's Paul Ekman's work on reading microexpressions. If you've ever seen the show Lie To Me with Tim Roth, that's the kind of thing I'm talking about there. Actually, Tim Roth's character was a fictionalized version of Paul Ekman in that show.

You can read about Muscle Reading in Corinda's 13 steps, or Banachek's Psychophysiological Thought Reading. Probably a bunch of other sources, too, but since I got Full Contact Mind Reading from Finley I never needed to look into other sources. Both can be found on Amazon for very reasonable prices.

Something to note - When you're using real skills, there's a chance of failure. Because it's not a trick. You can get pretty reliable results with enough practice, but it is a genuine skill you will have to put a decent amount of work into practicing and maintaining.
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