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  1. Josh Burch

    Do you know this card trick?

    I have a guess, it's bold it would definitely work, and it's not something I would be comfortable with doing outside of a stage show perhaps. I don't know what he did before the camera but I'm not sure if it matters. No, I don't think this is published anywhere. I disagree with ID4, David has...
  2. Josh Burch

    Virtual Magic Teacher

    I read my first magic book when I was six or so. It was one of those books you get at a bookstore with props inside and no author. I still have some of the props. Lawrence Leyton wrote "My First Magic Book" and that was the book that helped me start performing my own show. On video, it was...
  3. Josh Burch

    Who is the "Ultimate Authority in Magic Definitions"?

    Genii is a pretty good resource. The creator or originator of a principle is also a good source oftentimes, though this can get messy when creators take credit for stuff that isn't theirs. Encyclopedic books like Royal Road, Expert Card Technique, Anneman's Practical Mental effects, and Tarbell...
  4. Josh Burch

    Does anyone know this?

    It's called the Bodden Bag Vanish. It's taught here:
  5. Josh Burch

    Bottom Deal

    The grip he is using he calls the Madison Grip, it's very similar to an Erdnase grip. When you deal the cards face up it's generally called a stud deal. So these are stud bottoms from the Madison Grip.
  6. Josh Burch

    Name of this colour change?

    Do you have a link or example of the trick?
  7. Josh Burch

    Sleights that elude you.

    The second deal. I suck at the strike and the push-off. I can do 4 or 5 okay bottom deals and a decent center deal. The second deal kills me.
  8. Josh Burch

    Is this a good trick?

    Christopher, I don't think that what I'm talking about here is subjective. If you cut Delgaudio's show at 20 minutes and asked a thousand people what they just watched, none of them would say a magic show. It's a monologue, it's a speech, it's a story, it's a talk etc. but it's not magic. Is...
  9. Josh Burch

    Is this a good trick?

    Yeah, I first read about the effect in Jarrett Magic. I read the method before I saw it. I found the Henning performance and I can't seem to put my laymen eyes on again and see past the method. Jarrett is pretty cocky about how puzzling the effect is. I just don't quite see it. I think they...
  10. Josh Burch

    What Magic Works for the Blind

    Hey y'all, Years ago on these forums, someone asked if you can do magic for the blind. I responded then and wanted to jump on again. I found this video a little while ago, where a blind man experiences magic. It's entertaining but it didn't quite answer the question for me. Over the years...
  11. Josh Burch

    Is this a good trick?

    Maybe a better question would be to ask if the trick was deceptive. I read about the method (a version was used in Thurston's show) and cannot unsee that. To me it appears to be transparent. Yeah, I like Doug Henning too. I like the hokey nature of the presentation, I'm not talking about the...
  12. Josh Burch

    Helmet Trick

    There was a great head twister motorcycle helmet on the market a while back.
  13. Josh Burch

    Is this a good trick?

    This is a super clever method but the trick seems kind of bleh to me. Do you think it's a good trick?
  14. Josh Burch

    How do I start a semi local magic club in a small town? How do I find magicians and those wanting to

    It depends where you work, you probably need to start with one friend and a location. Colleges are always a good choice. If there are any magicians in your area, get to know them. I live in rural Utah and there are 4 clubs within an hour of my house. It's possible there are clubs around and...
  15. Josh Burch

    What was the first trick you ever learned?

    A magician came to our church and appeared at a couple city functions when I was about 5 or 6. He performed the sucker torn and restored paper, I have a vivid memory of myself doing the "revealed" portion (switching a torn tissue with a normal one) I did it for my friend while he watched the...
  16. Josh Burch

    The Best trick from Mark Wilson’s Complete Course in Magic

    The trick I do most is the Tic Tac Toe prediction.
  17. Josh Burch

    What kind of magician are you?

    I'm a writer, student, and creator. I don't love performing but I love seeing other people do something I have created. I like being behind the scenes at this point in my career. It means that I can be a part of all types of magic.
  18. Josh Burch

    How do I incorporate cardistry into my routine?

    If you have any cuts that are false you can easily insert these in. I used to do an effect where I would say, "Do you want to see this the easy way or the hard way? With the easy way I shall my fingers and your card comes to the top. With the hard way I will cut the deck into five packets then...
  19. Josh Burch

    Magic Camp on Disney+ (Review)

    How do you fan them?
  20. Josh Burch

    Contradicting effects.

    Yes, this trick is logically inconsistent. A kicker ending is fine but care should be taken to make it logical. It seems like this is a kicker for a kicker's sake. Another problem is this, if you reverse the math you now know the guys pin number. If he reversed the math he would find that it...
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