Virtual Magic Teacher

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Good day everyone!

I wanted to ask you something... who was your first magic teacher? And I mean by that, you "virtual" magic teacher... a lot of us had our begginings in magic through Youtube, Streamvideo and buying magic online... so thats why I am asking!

My first Magic teacher was Oz Pearlman... I remember seeing him teaching magic on penguin magic videos and I had my first real tutorial from him... I recall it was for a trick called "nemesis" but I had watch a lot of magic from him before even buying my first tutorial... funny how I thought that trick would "change" my magic forever ha! I still thought that all that was needed was one good trick!

Share your experiencie with your first virtual magic teacher!


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
I remember seeing Joker's Wild by Oz Pearlman and thinking "what on earth? How is anything like that possible with cards?!? Only $5??" *click* "Done." Then down the rabbit hole I went....
I've done that effect thousands of times now. It is my go-to trick, and what I open with doing walk around.
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Sep 1, 2007
I guess it would have to be Harry Lorayne and David Roth. Those Apocalypse books that I bought early on gave me a foundation for a variety of close-up magic props and effects. And then David Roth's videos from the Stars of Magic set formed the basis of all of my coin sleight of hand. Pretty much everything I do is because I invested time learning from these two guys, as their work informed what I went on to learn next, and how I view magic in general.


Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
CD’s it was Mirage et trios by Eric Jones. I had some Magic Makers cd’s back then too, Gerry Griffin card magic. Some years later I started buying streaming lectures from Penguin, Eric Jones and Gregory Wilson we’re among the first. If we’re talking YouTube magicians….pre pandemic there weren’t many great “teachers” on YouTube but I always felt Rick Holcombe’s channel was great.
For books I remember my Dad had a book…I’m prolly misremembering it because I can’t seem to locate it, but it may have been a Hoyle magic book. In my 20s I tried out some stuff from there, spelling tricks etc. Sadly my storage shed was broken into years ago (mid 2000s) and that book is long gone.
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Elite Member
Aug 5, 2017
WA state USA
How does one find a magic teacher?
Books and videos are an accessible start. Nothing beats in person though, you could look on the International Brotherhood of Magicians website to see if there is an IBM ring near you. You can also find some magicians offer tutoring online. That’s a mixed bag but there are some good teachers out there.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I'm going to say Ben Salinas in the Magic Maker videos. Then Mark Wilson's Complete Course. From there, it was Justin Miller in Army of 52 and some other videos. Over time there have been some more significant "in print" influences, Jim Steinmeyer, Roberto Giobbi, Roy Benson, Karl Fulves, John Bannon, Vanni Bossi, Wayne Houchin, Jeff McBride, Larry Haas and so many more
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Josh Burch

Elite Member
Aug 11, 2011
I read my first magic book when I was six or so. It was one of those books you get at a bookstore with props inside and no author. I still have some of the props. Lawrence Leyton wrote "My First Magic Book" and that was the book that helped me start performing my own show. On video, it was Marshall Brodein. I received his TV Magic Kit with a DVD for Christmas just after I turned 7.

Ben Salinas stared in the first DVD I ever purchased on the Pen Through Anything.
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