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    Saturday Night Contest - Happy Birthday! Happy 7th year Anniversary Theory11! Keep up the good work! to celebrate, here is my cake made out of playing cards! I wasn't quite sure how to add the pictures, so I just linked...
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    Saturday Night Contest - Wizard Wars My entry. Credit to Dan Hauss for the main move. Thanks (:
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    Beginner Cardistry Trouble Shooting/Help with NB3?

    Hey guys! First off, thanks for reading my thread! Now on to my topic. I have been in to magic for a year or so now, but recently started to get in to cardistry. I learned a couple of quick simple little cuts, and a five packet variation of the sybil cut (which I was only able to learn with the...
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    How do you reply to "How did you do that?"

    Thanks for all of your answers, this has actually helped me out a lot!
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    How do you reply to "How did you do that?"

    I will be the first to say that some of my performances have been fairly rough around the edges. I often stumble over my wording as any new performer would. Although every now and then when I am able to pull off a decent trick and blow some minds. I can never seem to find a good answer to the...
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    Hand/Finger Work Outs?

    Thanks! (:
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    Hand/Finger Work Outs?

    Thank you!
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    Hand/Finger Work Outs?

    So I've been doing magic/flourishing for about a year, and I've noticed that I don't have the physical strength and or flexibility to do some of the sleights and flourishes i'd like to be able to do. I assume this strength comes from a load of practice, but I practice for typically at least an...
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    Saturday Night Contest - Something Special

    My Guitar The most meaningful thing to me is my guitar. Their are many of them out there, but my guitar is MY guitar. It may not be the prettiest, or nicest guitar, but it reminds me that regardless of its appearance, It can make beautiful sounds that anyone and everyone can enjoy. To be able...
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    Saturday Night Contest - theory11 awards

    Zach Mueller Andrei Jikh Calen Morelli
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    Holiday Contest Wheel

    Hey man, i dont know if you have figured it out yet, but i thought i should let you know anyways. You have to click the link in your email to get the spin. Cheers man, have a great day.
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