
  1. Karo-K54

    Difference between "Best" cards and "Bee" decks

    I've been eyeing the "Bee" decks for some time now, and I came across a "Best" deck that belonged to a friend when I went to his house. The tuck case was extremely similar, except that it was "Best" instead of "Bee". The cards were also the same: thick, diamond-backed and borderless. But the...
  2. Karo-K54

    Black Lions Seconds

    What is the defect in David Blaine's Black Lions Seconds for it to be sold for such a low price?
  3. mexican nanny

    what is this called?

    Hey does anyone know what this card swirl thing is called or have any idea on how to do it? It looks a lot like the thing waiters do to napkins in hospitality but i've tried out the method and that doesn't seem to work :/
  4. Karo-K54

    Royal Road To Card Magic Common Misprint?

    After scrutinising RRCM, I've noticed that almost always, the book says "fight hand" instead of "right hand". I would've waved it off as a typographical error, but it kept coming up! Is there a reason the right hand is called the 'fight' hand?
  5. Karo-K54

    Cards: Borderless and Bordered

    What are the advantages and disadvantages of having a borderless deck of cards and having a deck with cards with a border? Most Bicycle cards have a border, but "Bee" is borderless. It this because it's easier to detect cheating with borderless cards? (I came to this conclusion since "Bee" was...
  6. Karo-K54

    What's the best deck of cards to get in terms of longevity?

    I've been hearing that "Bee" cards are the best, while my friends recommend Standard Bicycles. Obviously, I need them to be good enough quality to do sleights and flourishes, and I can't invest in higher than $10.
  7. Karo-K54

    How Long Does a Deck Last?

    I use bad quality, half-dollar, Chinese decks. They last around two months before they go stale... I want to buy a good Bicycle brand deck to do better flourishes and so that I don't need to invest in cards every once in a while. How long does a Standard Bicycle deck last? And what about "Bee"...
  8. Karo-K54

    Good Books For Beginner Cardicians on a Budget?

    What are some good books to buy relating to card sleights and maybe flourishes (that's only a bonus) for someone between beginner and intermediate (can do imperfect faros, one handed cuts like Charlier, revolution and knuckle, beginner controls i.e. shuffle controls, push off double etc) that...
  9. Karo-K54

    How far can one go in card magic without paying for any tricks or tutorials?

    There are many channels out there on YouTube which teach magic, but obviously they won't teach everything they know for free. Some sleights are unclear on YouTube videos, and need to be more comprehensively explained and taught; some tricks can only be revealed by buying it from the creator etc...
  10. Blakesy

    can we use the forum to sell?

    I have some cards I would like to sell whats the best way of going about it?
  11. pugz

    The Annoying Discovery with Tapered Decks

    So I have recently been playing with tapered decks, for the half of tricks you can do they work fine. BUT! and this is a huge BUT, for the other half they don't!!! Ok hear me out, I have discovered with tapered decks if they become curved you CANNOT use their functionality if you want to weave...
  12. k1dsocial

    Type Of Cards (Your Opinion)

    Hey Guys, I am on holiday and I've started with some basic tricks. I am starting to enjoy card tricks but I don't know or I should get new cards. I currently have paper cards that I once got on the plane but I can't do any Fan's with it and it seems like they "stick" together. I was wondering...
  13. M

    Cards Click-bend

    Hello! So I'm normally in the magic section, but this seemed like the correct place to post this (correct me if I'm wrong). I got like 3 brand new decks of cards for Christmas and have barely touched them, and have 3 other practice decks I use. They all sit on a shelf in my room. Well, I woke...
  14. Antonio Diavolo

    Storage Wallet for Packet Tricks/Gaffs?

    I was wondering if anyone had a link for some sort of pocket-sized (ish. Can be bigger) wallet with different compartments to organize various packet tricks and gaff cards? Thank You!
  15. pit820

    Green Bikes! Help!

    First off sorry if this is in the wrong section this is my first post. It's a question about a product, just not one of T11's. So I have been sitting here for about the last hour nostalgically reminiscing about my path through magic, and pondering what made me start it all. Something I hadn't...
  16. oscar.abraham

    Versa Switch

    I think this move is one the greatest switches ever! This move can replace the Braue Add-on, ATFUS, and all the variations of those popular-old-school moves. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with old-school switches, but I'm the type of magician that likes to vary the moves to take...
  17. oscar.abraham

    Merlin's Lost Ace Trick

    I've been performing this trick lately, and I've been getting some pretty good reactions to it. However, I have to admit that I was never a big fan of this trick due to its complex mechanics, but after some adjustments, I think I've made it very easy to perform with any deck, under any condition...
  18. Antonio Diavolo

    Should I open my Gold Monarchs?

    Just got my Gold Monarchs from T11 in the mail today. I'm debating opening them. I don't think I'll resell them but I'm not sure if I want to open them or not. Then again, what's the point of having them if I don't take them out at some point. What do you guys think?
  19. serubi

    Red & Green Nationals playing cards

    It seems like Theory11 has made a deal with Barnes & Noble, because they sell red and green versions of the Nationals playing cards. I'm not sure how long these have been available, but just thought I'd share.
  20. Antonio Diavolo

    Card prediction trick?

    There's this trick I've seen people use where a prediction is placed on the table at the beginning of the trick and a spectator names any card and it turns out to be the one on the table. I know it has a name but I'm totally blanking on it right now. Anyone know what I'm talking about?
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