
  1. scottbaird

    Collectors and a Production (card video)

    Hi gang, I just wanted to share a Collectors routine that I’ve worked out, based on a 4-card production by Mike Bornstein in Apocalypse Magazine (Vol. 16 No. 1), “Bargain 4”. What I like about this routine is that the Collector cards aren’t even in play until the selections are lost. Please let...
  2. E

    Dan & Dave 'D-Splay'

    Hey all, Not sure how many remember, but around 10 years ago Dan & Dave Buck released a very limited number of DSplay's. Only 52 were ever made, and they initially sold for around $60. What made it so special was not only that it was a signed 1st edition Smoke/Mirror deck, but that they all...
  3. The Magic X

    Legends Playing Card Co.?

    Heyo, X here. If this isn't the right place to put this, just tell me. I've recently begun to collect playing cards, and now own a few decks which I really like. Currently, I only own USPCC printed decks, and I love them, but I've also been looking into some playing cards that are printed by...
  4. Sean S.(8)

    Market value

    Hey guys, I'm thinking of making a bit of chump cash and I'll be selling a Madison Players marked deck and a Red JAQK on eBay, sealed and new condition. What range of monetary value should I expect this time of the year? I don't believe either can be really purchased here anymore.
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