deck design

  1. B

    Card themes inspo

    Hi there I had some awsome card theme ideas that you have to do! - Peaky Blinders - Assassins Creed (Odyssey/Origins/Valhalla) - Lord of the Rings / Hobbit - The Witcher - Game of Thrones - Friends (that old TV show) - Pirates of the Caribbean - Money Heist - Matrix - Avatar the last air...
  2. mrdude42

    Deck of playing cards I've been working on

    Hey all, I've been working on a deck of cards. Still trying to flesh out the main theme I want to go for but right now its sort of based on Tarot cards. Spades, Clubs, Hearts, and Diamonds are also Swords, Wands, Cups, and Pentagrams respectively like in a tarot deck. There's also 4 colors...
  3. monsieurgalois

    Similar decks to virtuoso decks.

    It's known that the Virtuoso decks are very coveted by some people because it handles nice, the colors and other stuff, but does exist another deck that has the same feeling as the virtuoso decks but easier to obtain?
  4. Toby Langdon

    Deck Design Help?

    Hey everyone, You may have seen my last post about my other design however I am letting that design rest for a while as I have more ideas about how to further this deck. I would really appreciate some feedback as to which colour scheme you most prefer (I know it's subjective but I want to see...
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