35 years old beginner

Dec 4, 2016
Story time!

I got into magic around late July of 2014. 9 months prior, I came back from Afghanistan a complete wreck. Upon finding magic, I also happened upon cardistry and set down both paths.
I noticed after I started to get marginally okay at Charier and Revolution cuts that my anxiety was a bit lessened, especially in public (where I would do this). The missus and I figured out that because I had to be pretty focused into what I was doing with he card and the constant repetition, that I would gradually calm down enough to compose myself again. However it didn't take a whole lot to get the anxiety going again. So, the cards came out again.

I stuck with one-handed moves for a couple reasons:

1) they draw more attention to themselves. I was doing flourishes to try and drown out the outside world. If I go and do something like Cylinder, strangers would be more invlined to approach me and ask what I was doing. The exact opposite of what I want.

2) my left hand was just in bad shape. At the time I have osteopenia (which can evolve into osteoporosis if it battles enough Pokémon). And I would later find out that my left wrist was broken 3 times in the span of a year and a half (I never knew). All I knew was that my left hand was painful and I couldn't use my thumb in a way to accommodate most flourishes. So I just learned everything for the right hand.

When I went in-patient springbof this year, they had a deck of cards (a super dingy and super bendy Cartamundi deck) that I was flourishing like crazy when no one was using them (even though, due to the condition of the cards, I could only do about 5 flourishes).

There you have it. Great distractive tool, and keeps me focused on something that doesn't trigger the anxiety and fuel it further.

I hope this helps.
Thank you for shraing your story, man. Really apreciate it.
Mar 8, 2016
Hello everyone.
I am completely new here in theory11 and also to card magic and cardistry.

Card magic is something I have always liked, but when younger I used to think I would never be able to do it. Now in my 35 I thought... What the ****? Why not?

I would like to ask two questions to the people in the community:

1- Do you think I am too old now to begin and become more or less good on card magic and cardistry?

2 - I have been told to begin with The royal road to card magic and slowly go step by step with this book. Do you agree? Any more tips you can give to a non young beginner?

Thank you all.

You're never to old and in fact older people understand it more. Royal road is a book to read. If you need and help on learning I should be around.
Mar 8, 2016
Just basic. The video you'd just watch and see everything explained. The book you would have to work while going through it.
Mar 8, 2016
I think. That you should just get 'cool' tricks brother. Don't worry about how everything works. Just get the cool stuff.

Peace, take care.

Mar 8, 2016
Given an honest recommendation I don't know if it is taken seriously. I'm fine with off the cuff recs. Not a problem.
Nov 13, 2016
Hi voylinux and Ginnger1,

I'm 37 and just started a couple of months ago myself. I just saw this thread and thought it was a good time to introduce myself and jump into the forum, especially as I've had a couple of questions brewing that I'd like to ask in a new post or two. Recently I made some major changes in my life and wanted to explore new activities and hobbies (like ones that would get me OFF my computer, were fun/creative, and allowed me to learn new things). I have a strong interest in psychology and understanding how people think/react to illusions, so learning magic and a little cardistry appealed a lot to me. I'm finding the more I read and learn, the more I'm interested! Now I'm looking forward to performing some tricks for my family during the Christmas holiday ;)

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