Pretty funny to read some posts. Just shows that even if they dont conciously knows it they performes a lot of moves because they feel good to them, not because they are the greatest most practical.
Seriously, 5 sleights only would be no problem.
1. The pass = Card control to the top and the bottom, A color change, A vanish, A false cut, a peek.
2. Double lift = Card switch, can be used to reverse a card in the deck, can also be used as a control if the effect allows you to see the card.
3. A force = Well, the possibilitys are endless.
4. Overhand shuffle control = Can control cards to the bottom, to the top or to ANY possition in the deck you want.
5. A good false shuffle = Well there is a lot you can do with a good false shuffle, also if your working with stacks that you can do miracles with its good to know.
Sure there would be some effects that you could not do, but with the enormous amount of material that is available, would that really be a deal breaker?