7 Deadly Sins Project

Hi Guys,

I was thinking the other day about how the 7 deadly sins and magic have been combined.

At the moment Wrath, Greed and Vanity(Pride) have been created by some of the best magical genius's on the planet at the moment. What about the rest?

Does anyone know if any trick has been made that has the name of one of the remaining sins( Gluttony, Lust, Sloth, Covetousness[Lechery])

If not, could anyone think of an idea that could be used for the sin, such as Gluttony could be a card case that can contain whatever you put in it, or Sloth could be a sleeping queens idea.

Of course those mentioned are a bit farfetched, but if anyone has any idea's at all, can you post them, PM me or email me at simon@simonmagic.co.uk and I promise to put them into a book and send them out to the people that contributed.


Aug 24, 2008
for lust or Covent you could do some sort of vanish thing saying like when you want something that is not yours it seems to dissapear. There is the ring flight idea also
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
You missed one (repeated one twice).

7 Deadly Sins: "Lust", "Gluttony", "Greed", "Sloth", "Wrath", "Envy", and "Pride".

I will try to think of something, but I'm mainly a card magician, so it will be a card trick with a patter for one of the sins.

edit: You can use a variation of "Kanibal Kings" for Gluttony.
Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
The show that I have been working on actually is based on the seven deadly sins.

Each effect I do has an underlying theme of a different sin.

Everything is played off slightly light hearted as nobody wants to openly admit to any of them.


theory11 moderator
I've heard that Vanity is a pretty good trick ;)

Another thing to note is that the sins make up a progressive anagram, a few people have done work on this, but I know the Mark Elsdon has something published somewhere based around the film SEVEN. Very good stuff!

Mar 6, 2008
A Land Down Under
Dee I don't know who told you Vanity was a pretty good trick.

It is a very good one. A little too bizarre for liking but a very good piece of theater though.
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
So illusions based on the 7 deadly sins.Im thinking major theatrics here.
Dante alighieri's Inferno is racing through my head,Malebolge and the sins of fraud,heretics and gluttons..
And we got card tricks for it? Help me here.

(if its a card trick,the presentation better be damn good by someone with personality.)
Sep 1, 2007
A never-ending bottle of wine.

The Miser's Dream.

The pulse slows... softens... stops.

A voodoo doll.

A happy memory stolen.

A protean mask.

A story of a debauched life ending in a hideous transformation providing the ultimate sexual release... and ultimate conquests.

The effects already exist. You just aren't looking in the right places.
Oct 24, 2008
Savannah, GA
You know what? I'm interested in lust here. I want to see lust portrayed. Mostly because I'm a very sexy man. But also, also because I'm interested in seeing it in as minimalistic of elements as possible. Bare-bones. I'm thinking of something that people can see, and they know right away it's about lust, where you won't have to prep it much with scripting. Or, hey, even at all. I'd like to see what could come from that.

I've got dull solutions at the moment. Something about a Q&A routine except everyone's talking about sex, and they don't initial anything because it's private. And at first, you're making a joke out of it, with fake statements that are completely outrageous that you made beforehand, and you're saying, "Oh that's obviously this guy, right here," calling people out and all, but then you start doing it for real. And you pry even deeper into their love life. It pushes the boundaries of taste of audience comfort, but so do most fun things.

But yeah, totally dull. I'm trying to think of something where it's just... eye-poppingly obvious, where you don't need much setup.
Feb 27, 2008
Grand prairie TX
A never-ending bottle of wine.

The Miser's Dream.

The pulse slows... softens... stops.

A voodoo doll.

A happy memory stolen.

A protean mask.

A story of a debauched life ending in a hideous transformation providing the ultimate sexual release... and ultimate conquests.

The effects already exist. You just aren't looking in the right places.

Oh I know that,I was thinking of the never-ending bottle of wine effect for this actually,but what they had laid out didnt seem..up for it.
Sep 1, 2007
But yeah, totally dull. I'm trying to think of something where it's just... eye-poppingly obvious, where you don't need much setup.

Without spelling it out for people, why not go for the old vampire standard? Stoker's Dracula was the embodiment of sexual release and power, even more poignant considering the repression of those aspects was paramount in Victorian society.

Oh I know that,I was thinking of the never-ending bottle of wine effect for this actually,but what they had laid out didnt seem..up for it.

I wasn't speaking to any one person in particular. Just making a point that everything we need has already been invented.
Oct 24, 2008
Savannah, GA
Without spelling it out for people, why not go for the old vampire standard? Stoker's Dracula was the embodiment of sexual release and power, even more poignant considering the repression of those aspects was paramount in Victorian society.

You know, I've also heard it as a metaphor for sexually transmitted diseases which were a problem at the time. Chuck Palahniuk talked about it at a lecture once.
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