A few questions

Feb 10, 2013
Hi guys. I have a few questions on some sleights. They are just little things I was wondering about.

The first one is about a double undercut alternative. I am one who eliminates cuts and shuffles as much as possible. The double undercut requires a cut to control a card to from top to bottom or vice versa, and I was wondering if there is a move that does the same thing but without the cut.

I have a few minor pet peeves with some performances, and I being kind of a perfectionist when it comes to cards, am trying to clean up some things. One of these pet peeves comes with double lifts, but not the actual sleight part. When giving the spectator a card, say in a hand sandwich type routine, you do a double and give them a different card than seen. I do not like ow the people turn the double over, pause slightly, then give the actual top card (like I said, this is a minor pet peeve.) I feel it is not as clean as it could be, so I was also wondering if there is a type of thing I could do to eliminate this type of thing. I was thinking a paintbrush change type of thing, but I have not unite worked out the kinks yet. Do you guys have any advice on such a method, or another method/source for a thing that could work?

Another question about a possible sleight. Is there a source for a move that allows you to show a single card clearly and place it on top clearly, but it actually ends up in second position? I know of Venus trap, but people seem to say it is extremely angle sensitive. Is there another method out there, or is Venus trap actually more practical than the reviews seem to say?
Similar to this, is there a sleight that allows you to do a similar thing but with multiple cards? I don't mean like placing a four of a kind on top, but having another card above them. I mean like placing a card or a few cards on top, but having multiple cards end up above them. I was actually thinking of using the double undercut alternative, if there is one, to do such a thing in a clean manner, but any other method out there could be good for me to look into.

Thanks guys in advance for any help that you may have. Like I said before, I know these are very little things, and that a spectator may not even pick up on little actions such as these pet peeves previously mentioned, but I want to make my magic performances as pure and as clean and as visual as possible. Thanks.
Jan 1, 2013
Double undercut alternative: classic pass or other shifts
Secret switch: top change?

The double lift is an interesting question. If you do a double lift technique that replaces the card(s) face down, such as the Stuart Gordon double, which Jason England teaches on a very good download on this site, it should look how you want it to. Another way is, if you have a double face up, turn it face down and immediately hold the right hand forward palm up, asking the spectator to do likewise. This will allow the performance to flow better.

Hope this helps,

Feb 10, 2013
Do you mean do a classic pass with just one card to get it to the bottom, and a Herman pass to get one to the top? It cold work, but is kind of weird and a bit noisy. Any advice that you may have for this, if you have tried it?

By the way, I just have another quick thing I was wondering about. How do you guys get a break of multiple cards on the bottom of the deck? Is there any method other than a thumb riffle?


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
NE Ohio.
I'd recommend a classic pass for the undercut replacement. "Death to the Double Undercut" by Joel Paschall is a nice alternative, but it's a flashy cut. Just throwing that out there. The classic pass would actually serve to fit both of your needs, I believe. The Single Card Straddle Pass may be a good move for multiple cards.
Jan 1, 2013
My bad. I thought you meant to control a card from the middle. I tend to use shuffles etc to move cards while talking but I guess the Hermann Pass could do.
Oct 13, 2012
1. Card from bottom to the top -Clip shift?
2. Top to bottom - well, classic pass may work.

And to clearly show one card and make it another one - damn, I forgot the name... I will tell you later. the one that Brad Christian teaches on one of his DVDs sitting on the ground, controlling card from the bottom to the top.
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