New Batman 85th Anniversary Deck

Dec 8, 2022
I love the fact that you guys are releasing a new deck of cards, dedicated to the history of Batman. As someone who collects your deck of cards, and is a HUGE Batman fan (I LOVE the "Dark Knight Trilogy" deck) ... I do kinda wanna be spoiled right out of the gate.

Is there any chance you could tell me who is featured on the face cards & all. I'm trying to piece them all together with some of the cards you've shown already, and I think I got half of them right.

Let me know please, and I look forward to getting this deck soon.


ceo / theory11
Team member
Jul 23, 2007
New York City
See below list! Absolutely love the way these turned out, with an epic team effort amongst Clark Orr, Brethren Brothers, and Casey Rudd!

Jack of Spades: Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart)
Jack of Clubs: Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Jack of Diamonds: Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Jack of Hearts: Robin (Chris O’Donnell)
Queen of Spades: Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
Queen of Clubs: Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman)
Queen of Diamonds: Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal)
Queen of Hearts: Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz)
King of Spades: Batman (Christian Bale)
King of Clubs: Batman (Robert Pattinson)
King of Diamonds: Batman (Michael Keaton)
King of Hearts: Batman (George Clooney)
Joker: The Joker (Heath Ledger)
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Dec 8, 2022
See below list! Absolutely love the way these turned out, with an epic team effort amongst Clark Orr, Brethren Brothers, and Casey Rudd!

Jack of Spades: Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart)
Jack of Clubs: Penguin (Danny DeVito)
Jack of Diamonds: Mr. Freeze (Arnold Schwarzenegger)
Jack of Hearts: Robin (Chris O’Donnell)
Queen of Spades: Catwoman (Michelle Pfeiffer)
Queen of Clubs: Poison Ivy (Uma Thurman)
Queen of Diamonds: Rachel Dawes (Maggie Gyllenhaal)
Queen of Hearts: Selina Kyle (Zoë Kravitz)
King of Spades: Batman (Christian Bale)
King of Clubs: Batman (Robert Pattinson)
King of Diamonds: Batman (Michael Keaton)
King of Hearts: Batman (George Clooney)
Joker: The Joker (Heath Ledger)
Thanks ... Im gonna be ordering this deck real soon, either here or once it hits AMAZON.
Thanks for telling me the court cards. I was curious about it, and trying to piece them all together.
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