A Short and Quick Trick

Sep 20, 2008
Hey there.

I didnt quite like the production of the jokers. Too flourishy if you ask me. aroused suspicion.

Was it 'Really' neccessary to do that? You've just produced two jokers. Great! why twirl them around though..?

You get the point im trying to make? =]
Nov 29, 2008
The only problem I had was you did the control a little slow. When you just held the two halves away from each other sitting there for a sec, it just looked a little suspicious. Just work on the speed of the move, but the rest was fine.
May 26, 2009
I personally believe it was very nicely done ! Maybe a little too much flourish on the two jokers. And you could've use some false cuts after you controlled the card
Hey there.

I didnt quite like the production of the jokers. Too flourishy if you ask me. aroused suspicion.

Was it 'Really' neccessary to do that? You've just produced two jokers. Great! why twirl them around though..?

You get the point im trying to make? =]

I know that it isn't "necessary."

Think of it like this. Is flourishing even necessary?

I mean it's just manipulation of cards. Pure eye candy. No more, no less.

I just did it because it looks cool. That's all.

I completely understand what you're trying to say.

But look at the community nowadays. Everything is...flourishy.
Sep 2, 2007
Showing dexterity is bad.

Anyway it wasn't bad, but the thing that bothered me the most was that control. you had looked like it tensed up and a lot and for me that was a dead giveaway.
Sep 20, 2008
But look at the community nowadays. Everything is...flourishy.

Aye, but what im saying is- In an Effect, if you're doing things that are completely unneccessary as in over the top flourishes, then you're going to arous suspicion.

In the same sense, when a card is chosen and put back in the deck, you wouldnt do 20 Different flourishy False cuts now would you? I'd probably do One, then do an overhand shuffle followed by a riffle shuffle. I wouldnt do Molecule after molecule cut and other ****loads of false shuffles.

If what you were doing was just plain Flourishing, Twirl all you want my friend. But what you were doing was Magic, you were right in the middle of an effect, and it wasnt needed.

You may argue that Dan and Dave buck (or other Cardistry proffessionals) do Flourishy type of magic too. Take Dan and Dave's take on 'The queens'. You'll notice That they 'twirl' around the queens a couple of times here and there. But there's a purpose behind it. Because the queens are vanishing one by one, The Spins are sometimes misdirection, or adds to the 'Flow' of the effect.

That make sense?
Aye, but what im saying is- In an Effect, if you're doing things that are completely unneccessary as in over the top flourishes, then you're going to arous suspicion.

In the same sense, when a card is chosen and put back in the deck, you wouldnt do 20 Different flourishy False cuts now would you? I'd probably do One, then do an overhand shuffle followed by a riffle shuffle. I wouldnt do Molecule after molecule cut and other ****loads of false shuffles.

If what you were doing was just plain Flourishing, Twirl all you want my friend. But what you were doing was Magic, you were right in the middle of an effect, and it wasnt needed.

You may argue that Dan and Dave buck (or other Cardistry proffessionals) do Flourishy type of magic too. Take Dan and Dave's take on 'The queens'. You'll notice That they 'twirl' around the queens a couple of times here and there. But there's a purpose behind it. Because the queens are vanishing one by one, The Spins are sometimes misdirection, or adds to the 'Flow' of the effect.

That make sense?

I understand.

No one's swag is the same, I guess.
Sep 20, 2008
I appreciate the fact that you took time to understand my post. Not many people do. The most try and defend themselves without reading my criticism.

Again, it was only constructive criticism. But there may be varied opinions from other spectators as well.

Cheers for making life easier.
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