a1magician:MIRROR CHANGE

Jul 15, 2009
Hi guys,

Its been a while,but I'm back.During my absence I've been workin and creating on some stuff. And the video that i linked here is one of them. I invented a color change called the Mirror Change.Well, I haven't seen this kind of change both in print or in video.So I just credited this move to Dan and Dave Buck where I got my inspiration and idea for this change.

After a while of modifying and refining, this is the final product.And so, I decided to test out this effect on the streets, or atleast in our park, in our city.I got a couple of street performances that I would like to present showcasing the Mirror Change.

Hope you guys enjoy and please tell me what you guys think about this color change.I worked hard for the video, let alone for the said effect.

This is my first creation.This is a Color Change.This is...



May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
Its... alright...
nothing special... Just an impulse change but eliminating the element of a double card. (no exposure... honestly... you can see the impulse right there)
but congrats that it still worked on the streets
Jul 15, 2009
Thanks man.Honestly,I don't know the impulse change and I know for a fact that my change is inferior to most color changes, but nevertheless I'm grateful that you found something different in my handling no matter how minute it may be...That's a big thing for me...Thanks man...

And yes,I derived this change from a concept by Dan and Dave Buck.I modified a few and twisted an arm and this is what I got.really appreciate it.

Thanks man...For that comment...I really appreciate it...


Jan 11, 2008
no problem.
The Imulse change is by Justin Miller i believe.
Looks very similiar to your change

The 'Impulse Change' is not created by Justin Miller-Justin Miller just LOVES performing the 'Impulse Change'. But the original creator's name escapes me at the moment, I'll have to search around for it out though.
Jul 15, 2009
Justin Miller?Hehehe...The name's familiar, I can't afford any of his dvds at the moment.But thanks for the info guys...
Jun 1, 2009
Not bad, its always to good to see creativity.
I agree with the above, and one little thing bugged me a bit.
You have their card face up in a facedown deck, then you turn the deck over and I still see the back of a card. Does something seem amiss?
I doubt your audience saw that, but there is always that one person out there...you can never bee too careful.

Refine that aspect and you got a nice idea going here.
Jul 15, 2009
I'm glad you noticed that.That's actually the modification I had made, hence the name MIRROR CHANGE. What you see there, is similar to what you see here.Like a reflection?It would be weirder to see a face-up card on a face-down deck then turn the wrist to see the face-up card still face-up but now in a face-up deck.(atleast that's my opinion)

I know the face-up-face-down consistency doesn't make sense, but its a picture that sticks to the spectator's mind.I added a script to the patter to make the picture stay, as I do the change.Done correctly, the change is sweet and they won't question the orientation.In my opninon its a teasingly visual color change that twists their perspective.As i said, I tested my change on the street not one of them questioned the orientation.

Another thing to note is that the first thing that the spectator wanted to check is the card, not the deck.Some subtleties I used were the pirroette and the card twirl to misdirect them for the clean-up.Again keeping the same picture in mind.

Thanks man for noticing that...I acknowledge that comment man, meaning you found some of my modifications.I apologize if you were bothered by that bit, but on what I've done and what i've sat down on, its quite fine when you use the Mirror Change step-by-step.

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