Aaron Fisher One-Hand Popover Contest!

Hey guys! I've been following the release of his One-Hand Popover DVD. After Paper Engine, I've seriously become a fan of Aaron! (Actually, I have the book right now in front of me on top of the black DVDs I just bought last night!)

Anyways, Aaron is having a cool contest that I wanted to share with you guys and that I think will really help everyone. He says you are going to get feedback, so that's worth it for me right there! I got this from his facebook group:

The One-Hand Popover DVD will be released on Aaronfishermagic.com
next week on December 1rst at 2pm est.

I've just put up a video to tell you about a very special contest
you'll want to know about. This is by far the coolest contest I've
ever had - and everyone will win something important. And if you
already have a copy of the Paper Engine, MAKE SURE you don't miss
this opportunity.

To watch my message, click here:


As always, if you can't click on the link, copy it and then paste it
into your browser.

Have a great holiday!

Speak to you soon,

Hey guys, I just wanted to let you know what Aaron will be going to any place in the world if you win. He goes on lecture tours and performances, so if you are in a country far from the US he will try to make a tour around where you are. He might call you to go to a specific city close by or so.

I read this somewhere, but don't take my word as 100%. Check out the video and post a question there if you have any!

Good luck to everyone!!! I already saw a really cool video in there ;)
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