I believe that it's not just the cards but the whole site. This site needs to get more tricks and become known better to th magical community. So we need more tricks and better videos on everything!
Sell ultragaffs whatever you need to do to attract people and make you evenly matched with other magic websites.
...Personally I believe this site is better than the other magic sites out there. Where else can you directly talk to a creator of an effect? Have contests EVERY week that can give you free signed stuff? Have unencrypted video so you can do whatever you like with it? (I have all my downloads on my iPod so I can re-watch an effect if I have questions about it. Try doing that with any other magic sites downloaded videos.)
As has been said before, its quality over quantity. I like that there is no flavor of the week effects at T11. They have more than enough material to keep you practicing for weeks. If you need "tons 'o stuff," I do not believe you are adequately practicing or developing your own patter, but I could be wrong.
Sorry about this post, but I
hate to see people saying there are not enough effects. It makes me cringe to think how much is being bought that is learned than shown right away, only to move onto the next trick they can get their hands on.
Also, I personally like that T11 might not be as well known as E. This makes the effects that much more difficult to fall to the YouTube magicians, and fall prey to fad magic.