Aces 4 Kings!


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I was thinking it seems like a poorly taught version off the cut deeper force, personally.

So the effect that is being EXPOSED on YouTube is a Edward Marlo effect called "Perplexing" which was published in Frank Garcia's Million Dollar Card Secrets and which uses the Cut and Turn Over Force. Simon Lovell teaches that and a lot of other material from the Garcia's book on his Million Dollar Card Magic DVD. I'm not sure if Simon is teaching with or without permission of Frank Garcia's estate and/or Marlo's Estate. Unfortunately, Garcia's books are mostly out of print due to a fight over his estate but they are good stuff if you can get them for a reasonable price.

Nonetheless, I'm guessing the idiot exposing this on YouTube doesn't have permission from Marlo, Garcia or Lovell to teach the effect.

The lineage of the Cut and Turn Over force probably can be traced back to Henry Christ's 203rd Force (as it is called in Anneman's SH-H-H! Its a Secret) or Perfect Force (as it is called in Encyclopedia of Card Tricks) as well as the Cut Deeper / Balducci Force. The advantage of the Cut and Turn Over force being that you don't need a double-backed card and the disadvantage being that a card remains reversed in the deck (absent using that card and doing a wrist kill). John Bannon has a great variation on this called the Christ Cross Force in Counter Punch from Six.Impossible.Things (which is reprinted in High Caliber). My issue with the Cut Deeper / Balducci Force is that it can easily be recreated and there is no justification for the second cut. I use Christ's force often because it can be done in the spectator's hands and is impossible to recreate.

As I said before, the use of the Cut and Turn Over force here works very well within the requirements of the effect. Imagine if the spectator was the person who cut the deck? It would appear to be a very fair selection for the king and the aces (although having the three aces appear is a little suspicious but that could be handled by presentation).
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Apr 19, 2017
Before i answer all of you guys i must thank you for your support and advices!
Sorry for this huge delay but i had to study for my final college degree exame and that took me lots of time!
Thank all of you that watched the video and are still helping from the begining! That has a lot of meaning for me!
Apr 19, 2017
It looks like a YouTube force :/

@SilverMagicAddict There are much better forces out there.
If you want a force that accomplishes the same thing (in the same visual manner)- have the cards on top, have the spectator cut into the deck and flip the cards over, and have them cut deeper and flip the full packet over. The first face down card will be the card from the top. (If you guys remember the name to it let me know, can't think of it off the top of my head).

However, I suggest doing a different force. You could do the one described above. You could also do a couple Slip cut forces, or a riffle force. You could even experiment with a classic force, or even the "Topsy Turvey force". Just find one that looks nice to you.

One thing I would like to say is that, from what I understand, all of the videos you've made (at-least on the forums here) are straight performances of tricks from beginner level magic YouTube channels. You should try and personalize your tricks. A lot of the "complete tricks" (from channels like the one mentioned above, ones that teach full tricks that are actually just repeat beginner level tricks, especially if they don't have a major source of effects available/coming in to them) are very basic and not taught very well. As a result, you end up with a pretty bland trick in the end, and not necessarily taught right. What you need to remember is that magic isn't magic until you put a story and your own style to it. There is no absolute way to perform. So if you don't like something, change it.

Next, you should also remember that when you start doing a straight trick from YouTube to spectators, that is how exposure starts - not from the source, but the magicians. When a ton of people are performing the same trick with no style, no persona, and no... personal flair(?) is when the magic becomes about the trick and not the performance itself. I could perform the most simple, utterly stupid trick to you, but as long as I have a full performance on it and not just a straight up trick, the spectators will not be watching a trick -they will be experiencing the art we are sharing with them. And if they ain't watching the trick, they ain't worried about the method.

OH! That one? I didn't knew how to do it BUT i knew there was something like that cuz i saw in some street/show performances!
Huge help man! Thanks a lot!
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