All suggestions welcome.

May 6, 2013
Hi guys, I am doing a web series on magic. Where I teach my own original effects in detail.
I released the first episode and the 'laymen'/'noob' community has given a positive feedback. However, I would like you as magicians to watch and tell me:

1) What was good and should stay in the next episode?
2) What was bad and should not be there in the next episode.

I am asking this before i begin shooting so even if camera angles have certain problems you can tell me.
Oct 13, 2012
Please, please do not do this. I know it is your effect but, I beg you - do not post magic tutorials there. If you want to teach your tricks why don't use the Wire (and make it free). Magic is suffering so much from disclosure now. I mean, i know like 6 or 7 people who learnt from Youtube DLs, passes etc. and gave it up - now they know the foundations of card magic but are actually laymen... You know what I mean.
Once again, please, do not continue your series on Youtube, the Wire is a better place.


Elite Member
Mar 11, 2013
Yeah I agree with moooozzz. If you want to reveal your own trick, then put it on The Wire for free. I feel it would be better. But then again you can do what ever you want with it. It is your tricks so it's your choice.
May 6, 2013
Guys, I have thought over that a lot and come to the conclusion that youtube is a better place to teach my tricks. I am not revealing anyone's effects

I just want suggestions on production value of the videos. If you have any.
Sep 1, 2007
Before I get into anything else, I need to ask. How long have you been performing these "original" effects for live audiences?


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
My first thought is that the magician that gives away the secret to his tricks is probably insecure regarding his performance.
May 6, 2013
I'm really confused as to why you are doing this. I know they're your effects but still, why reveal your secrets publicly? At least on the Wire it's only magicians who are seeing it but on Youtube your just giving out secrets. If you can create good, original effects, why not just perform them instead of revealing them?
May 6, 2013
Yes dear, been doing it since I created it in 6th grade. Now that I am a university student and do not get much time to perform these effects. Plus as I am in the UAE, you cant carry playing cards everywhere (yep there are laws against those) so it restricts me.

That is why, I uploaded it on youtube coz I wanted to share it.

And I posted the link here to get your opinions on the series' production. but you are either judgemental or narrowminded or selfish.

Selfish: Oh only us at theory 11 should be able to know the secrets, just release it on the wire.
Narrowminded: Anyone learning from youtube isnt a magician, just because a registered on theory 11, I am a magician (for God's sake, there is no inner magic circle, youtube is filled with people revealing others' secrets, I am deciding to reveal my own and you guys are acting up)
Judgemental: Oh he revealed his secret and does not want money out of it, he must totally suck at the performance.

To be honest, if you have nothing to say about the camera angles, video quality, narration etc, I dont really care about anything else you have to say. all suggestions still welcome.
May 6, 2013
Yes dear, been doing it since I created it in 6th grade. Now that I am a university student and do not get much time to perform these effects. Plus as I am in the UAE, you cant carry playing cards everywhere (yep there are laws against those) so it restricts me.

That is why, I uploaded it on youtube coz I wanted to share it.

And I posted the link here to get your opinions on the series' production. but you are either judgemental or narrowminded or selfish.

Selfish: Oh only us at theory 11 should be able to know the secrets, just release it on the wire.
Narrowminded: Anyone learning from youtube isnt a magician, just because a registered on theory 11, I am a magician (for God's sake, there is no inner magic circle, youtube is filled with people revealing others' secrets, I am deciding to reveal my own and you guys are acting up)
Judgemental: Oh he revealed his secret and does not want money out of it, he must totally suck at the performance.

firstly, i think you should calm down and stop insulting me. The title says all suggestions welcome, which includes mine. I didn't say anything about money, you can put things on the Wire for free. Also, I'm not saying people who learn from Youtube aren't magicians, I've learned things from Youtube before. However, the majority of people on Youtube aren't magicians. I'm not trying to be mean or anything I'm honestly wondering why you're doing this. If you work hard to create tricks and perfect them, why would you want to spoil that by revealing them to anyone who happens to find the videos.

"To be honest, if you have nothing to say about the camera angles, video quality, narration etc, I dont really care about anything else you have to say."

And you're calling me narrowminded.
Dec 20, 2012
From skipping through your video:
I liked the video quality, along with the angles.
I did not care for the music, I think although T11 used it for (too) many of their first releases it doesn't fit magic vids very well.
That's the only criticism I have, otherwise good job, I know how much effort it takes to put that kind of stuff together.
May 6, 2013
From skipping through your video:
I liked the video quality, along with the angles.
I did not care for the music, I think although T11 used it for (too) many of their first releases it doesn't fit magic vids very well.
That's the only criticism I have, otherwise good job, I know how much effort it takes to put that kind of stuff together.

Thanks man, just wondering, do you mean to say I should stop using Dana's music in general or that background track in particular (Dana hocking: four - album: control )?
Feb 10, 2013
I thought it was great quality; better than many I've seen even in the wire.great teaching and clarity with instruction on the construction and performance. Very nice. I do believe that they belong on the wire though.

By the way, the UAE is a really neat place. I have travelled there twice. I still wish I could go again.
Sep 1, 2007
To be honest, if you have nothing to say about the camera angles, video quality, narration etc, I dont really care about anything else you have to say. all suggestions still welcome.

Well never friggin' mind then. I'm sorry I even clicked on the link.
May 6, 2013
By the way, the UAE is a really neat place. I have travelled there twice. I still wish I could go again.

Nice place indeed, but too many restrictions on shooting videos, carrying cards etc. you can even be taken for harassment if you try to show a trick to a stranger. which is why its no place for a street magician to be.
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