Ambitious Card - 'what sleights do you use?'

That's why the One Handed Pass was created. To plainly show the card in the middle by flipping it over a few times then placing it in the other half and square. Viola! the card is on top. Much easier than the stated methods.
Feb 9, 2009
Reno, NV
As long as you make it natural, the double lift should appear identical to the pass to a spectator. Only less risky.

Well, not really. The thing about that is that you can show the physical card going in face-up, then turning it face down WHILE it's already in the middle. Or you can also take the card, show it, then place it on the middle.
Like I previously said, turning it face up, then back down, then sticking it isn't the most convincing thing ever. They're not supposed to be identical, in my opinion.

No matter how good your double lift is, there is always the great chance of being caught.
May 13, 2008
St Albans, UK
How exactly is it your own fault?
I don't understand, I knew what a double lift is when I was 7, literally, all it needs is for someone to show you the "method", if you can even call it that, to know what it is.
You don't even have to be shown, it's simple and somewhat obvious, really.

I mean, c'mon, why the hell would you flip a card face-up, then back down, then jam it in the middle?

Not a single person i've ever performed for knew what a double lift was...and of course its a method, what else is it? It's not automatic. The DL is not obvious since so many people are fooled by it.

Plus you could always use Kostya Kimlat's Undercover Switch for a fairer handling of an ACR.

And speaking of closers, my old closer was the Ambitious Classic but now i use this as a trick on its own so am thinking about a new one.
Jul 8, 2008
To answer the question in the first post the slights I personally use in order...

card control to top (double undercut)
double lift
single card buckle
Jinx switch

To produce five phases
Card rises to top
Card rises again after the spec inserts card
Card jumps to packet the spec is holding
Card vanishes and appears in wallet
Deck is handed to spec where the card jumps to the wallet again

I try to increase the impossiblity with each phase and I do know I deviate from the traditional acr near the end i've tried to keep it as simple as I can.

Nov 16, 2008
In the not to distant future
Well, not really. The thing about that is that you can show the physical card going in face-up, then turning it face down WHILE it's already in the middle. Or you can also take the card, show it, then place it on the middle.
Like I previously said, turning it face up, then back down, then sticking it isn't the most convincing thing ever. They're not supposed to be identical, in my opinion.

No matter how good your double lift is, there is always the great chance of being caught.
To a spectator - the people you should be performing for, there us no difference between putting it in after you turn It face down or if you directly insert it into the deck. The pass would be appropriate if you only perform to fool magicians.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
You knew the double lift when you were 7? good for you.
SInce youve been doing magic so long, then you should know that to a spectator, there is no difference at all between the pass and double lift. What they see is just "they showed me my card, put it in the middle, and it came back up." they wont say "they showed me the card face up in the middle... turned it face down..... then it came to the top." laymen dont think that deep.
As said before, A dl should not get caught as long as you can perform it well. A pass on the other hand as angle problems, require good audience management, and great execution. This compared to the DL which is angle proof and takes much less busting of the knuckles, seems a lot more unecessary.

As to answer your question "why would you show the card face up, turn it face down, then make it come back up?"
1. youre showing its their card
2. youre turning it face down so its the same as the deck.
3. your putting it in the middle.

When i do the pass its the exact same thing except I show it once more when its in the middle, which is not needed at all. I have never seen a good magician put a card face up in the deck, then flip it face down while its inside. It is overkill and just asks for questioning.

"No matter how good your double lift is, there is always the great chance of being caught."
exact same thing goes for the pass, except theres an even bigger chance.
Feb 9, 2009
Reno, NV
Can I ask where this is coming from?

The chance meaning that they have a knowledge of it.

And I never said that I've been doing magic for so long, I said I knew what it was from the beginning.

Honestly, I don't know what kind of laymen the lot of you are performing for, but I've gotten that, "That was the second card" or "That was a different card you put" quite a few times. Laymen can think that deep, it just depends on how well they are with cards(not necessarily magic-wise, but even someone who plays card games from time to time).
I don't get caught red-handed with a different card on my hand because they usually don't try to flip it up themselves, but a lot of them can think that.

A lot of the people out there aren't stupid. It's just logic, comparable to Pressure, sure, there are people who are gonna be amazed, and some can figure it out pretty easily. There is always that chance no matter how perfect you perform it. If you can't realize that, then have it your way.
And again, by chance, I mean the chance of performing to someone with knowledge and/or logic.
May 13, 2008
St Albans, UK
The chance meaning that they have a knowledge of it.

And I never said that I've been doing magic for so long, I said I knew what it was from the beginning.

Honestly, I don't know what kind of laymen the lot of you are performing for, but I've gotten that, "That was the second card" or "That was a different card you put" quite a few times.

Well maybe you've gotten that because you didn't misdirect properly, or your sleights weren't up to scratch. Even the most brilliant magicians can be fooled with their own creations. It's not about encountering extremely clever spectators or even those that are aware of certain magical techniques - its about the effect, presentation and misdirection. Feel free to disagree.
May 29, 2009
Well maybe you've gotten that because you didn't misdirect properly, or your sleights weren't up to scratch. Even the most brilliant magicians can be fooled with their own creations. It's not about encountering extremely clever spectators or even those that are aware of certain magical techniques - its about the effect, presentation and misdirection. Feel free to disagree.

i totally agree with you, is about how you present the effect.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
In my 5 years of magic, I have had only around 10 people call out on my DL. And all these people were near the first year. And of course you knew the move from the beginning. Open any card magic book and what do you find? "The Double Lift"

Anyways, my point is, It is not the move you use, but the things you use it for. I can perform a simple key card trick with flawless presentation and audience management and still get a great round of applause. Sure people can think of the keycard, but they wont remember it. The feeling of knowing will get covered by their feeling of enjoyment. Audience want to enjoy. If they dont, then they are a heckler, who will most probably call you out on anyting he can guess anyways... Sure the pass is a good move, maybe even a great move, but why go to all that trouble to "not get caught"? why not just beef up your performance and presentation and go for the easy method, which is still as effective in the spectators mind?

You don't present the move, you present the trick.
Jun 21, 2009
double lift
diagonal palm shift
Death to the double undercut
fan control
classic pass
cardini color change
ego change
Daniel Garcia: Fallen
shapeshifter change
Nov 14, 2007
Why would you use a pass when a simple DL could accomplish the same thing? It makes no sense, it's like asking to get caught.

I use the classic pass all the time. when the card is placed in or on the deck I say now watch closley and its done. Great move because the spec held the card last.
Jan 8, 2009
Maybe one double lift, a pass or two ( including a top card cover pass), some discrepancy scwitches.



Jul 1, 2009
The Sleights I use for the Classic Pass

Sorry, the title of this post should be "The Sleights I use for the Ambitious Card"

In order:

Double Lift
Classic Pass
Double Lift (again)
Marlo Tilt

a couple more passes and double lifts

My only problem is the classic pass. I just can't conceal it properly. The way I go about doing this is by first distracting the spectator by explaining something such as this script follows:

Magician (Me): So, you saw the card, face up in the deck, correct? And there is no way I could bring it to the top without you noticing? (makes eye contact, stares at spectator)

Spectator: (stares back at me) No, that would be imposs(me: does pass)ible.
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