milk came out of my nose when I read the title of this thread, and I wasn't within like 20 feet of milk... I know moves can get frustrating but practice lol... I remember a really hard move, 5alive by scott and sean... I was like this is impossible, wt ****. i practiced and practiced it along with many other things and hey, 8 months later I can do it. moral of the story is, practice; good posts mr. low.
btw it's already been demonstrated by ppl like Andrei and others that nothing is impossible, I always take that into consideration when I'm painting something with a deck of cards that I previously visualized. (paintin=creatin=art). not to say that a 20 foot anaconda is possible or doing a sybil faster than brian tudor is possible, but you know what I mean... if it's been done you can do it, if you can see it in your head you can make it.