Anaconda Dribble

Jan 30, 2009
i like this but i found a written tutorial from bone ho but its to hard so can use help as the cards dont fall down right and end up on the floor can you give me some advice.
Aug 29, 2008
Nope, if you pretend to learn this now that you don't have a little of experience. And you also thought that Bone was using an electric deck. Haha he is Bone, ok?

Now, for the advice, as anyone on The 3C (you keep making the very same posts there too . I don't know if people here told you the same, but I guess so) said, the only advice is

1 Take a move
2 Practice it (Do you know that usually people have a deck in their hands for all the day, instaed of asking help for EVERYTHING?)
3 Stop asking help, lol. Appearently you don't understand that flourishing requires a little (sarcastic) of dedication.

And buy some DVDs, start with the basic moves, do you know that you can't start with this move, right? Well, if you think you are up for that, good luck. If you think i should STFU, well, maybe you shouldn't post in a public forum.

Jan 10, 2009
new jersey
Don't ever stop asking for help . Man some people have their cards up their a$$. This is a place for growth not discouragement. Lighten up, if you can't help don't post a reply. Theory11 forums where's the love.
Aug 29, 2008
Man I actually helped him like that. But would you be able to help with words? That's stupid.

In anyways, I could help him one time, two, but the only posts he's making are: need help with..., what's that called..., i suck... etc.
Come on, give it a break.
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Jan 30, 2009
thanks for that support

thanks wonderest that was apreciated im sticking off these forums theres to many advanced people on here thinking they can say what they want and theres no control over these forums.
Aug 29, 2008
thanks wonderest that was apreciated im sticking off these forums theres to many advanced people on here thinking they can say what they want and theres no control over these forums.

I actually think that there are too many arrogant beginners around nowadays. (I didn't talk about you or anyone, but this is what I'm seeing). And I think you are the only person which has no control. I am not advanced, but when I was like you, I spent my time with cards, not on the keyboard.
Sep 22, 2007
I actually think that there are too many arrogant beginners around nowadays. (I didn't talk about you or anyone, but this is what I'm seeing). And I think you are the only person which has no control. I am not advanced, but when I was like you, I spent my time with cards, not on the keyboard.

Quoted for truth.
Jan 30, 2009
wel i can do the dribble at least you can tell me why when i raise my hand the cards flip over and fly around its soo soooo sooooooooooo soooooooooooooooo annoying but if no ones going to help like this site is meant for then ill stick to a vertical spin aka how to f**k up cards.
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