
Notice his name Cardbeginner lets try and be nice. Or you could just post a video of you doing it I don't know. A good place for this thread is in flourishing there's alot of peeps there that could help I'm sure. I like your video in your sig Jake the Snake. Your double gave me a cramp just watching it may wanna work on it there bud.
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Feb 1, 2009
Manchester, UK.
It's not something you can do straight away, this dribble takes alot of practicing and your hands need to get used to it, if you keep practicing it, it'll come to you.
Feb 1, 2009
Manchester, UK.
Oh and Jake, I think the only time you can insult someone is if you're pro yourself (Even then it's not really nice or acceptable). And from the start of your video, I can tell you're not a professional.
Short Answer:

Go practice some more. And study Bone's pictures to learn the right grip. The tutorial is on forums.

Long and Completely Honest Answer:

Card beginner93....honestly, that was terrible. It can't even be called an anaconda, it's only like 2 inches. I can't believe you even made a video of it, let alone yet another thread about it. I don't think you put in the time to practice it.

Now you were asking for help, right?


Tips (instruction actually):
You're using the wrong grip - the grip is essential to this flourish. You need to have the index finger on the left long side of the deck, not on top. Also, you need to be releasing cards one by one

To learn how to release cards 1 by 1, do a dribble but practice it slowly. You heard me right. Practice by dribbling cards 1 by 1 into your left hand (if you're right handed) and do it slowly. Eventually you will build up the strength to release cards 1 by 1 without worries.
Your thumb lies on the short side of the deck facing you. It should lie parallel to the deck, as in a riffle fan (on nebelfuchs channel), not perpindicular like a normal dribble.

Like a lepaul spread, this requires you to build up strength in your fingers until you can do it.

In fact, go study the pictures in the tutorial on superhandz - a picture is worth a thousand words.

Stop posting n00b threads about your anaconda (pun?) and go practice.

Apologies for the honesty.


PS: I myself can do a 2.25 foot anaconda, know what I mean.
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Oct 22, 2008
Oh and Jake, I think the only time you can insult someone is if you're pro yourself (Even then it's not really nice or acceptable). And from the start of your video, I can tell you're not a professional.

no your right i agree, and i take back what i said. I did not mean it to sound like an insult. But obveousley my words came out wrong. So here: Some advice i'd give is to just bring the hand that your springing the cards into more foward than the one that you're springing with, and it should give you more accuracy.
Jul 14, 2008
As it stated before, there is a link for you to study closer on this anaconda dribble. To make it successful, you may want to get a new deck as old decks can prevent from executing it well.
Jan 31, 2008
Location: Location
Alright this is getting annoying. I'm gonna send you a pm that I hope will help you. Just don't repeat what I sent you in the pm out here lol

No jamal, he just needs to actually pay attention to the instructions!!!! That was horrible! How can you expect help from us when you aren't even willing to take the time and go over the tutorial, check your grip and read the tips!? Plus there are at least 2-3 other threads on the exact same thing, why couldn't you post there?! This would be one instance when I'll say "don't help this n00b!" because you aren't! Spoon feeding him isn't doing sh*t for him, it's only teaching him that he doesn't really need to put any time into practicing all he needs to do is make a thread and when he still doesn't get it, b*tch off. If you ask for any advice here on a move at least 75% of the tips you get will be something along the lines of "get off your ass and put some time into learning the move! i.e. practice!" Like I said you didn't even re-study the proper teaching which you should do along with extensive practice before making any threads (if you even studied it in the first place) if you had, you would have seen immediately that your grip is wrong, it's not like a normal dribble, go back to the instructions and pay VERY close attention read it and re-read it more than once! Making threads don't make you any better, they do not make up for raw practice! So next time before making a thread for help on a move go through the following chain of action

1. Practice
2. Thoroughly go over the original teaching
3. Determine what part of a move you have trouble with and compare what you're doing side-by-side with the move being taught
4. Practice what you're having trouble with the way the instructions tell you to
5. If you still don't get it, go through steps 1 and 4 as many times as posible over a weeks time
6. If you still can't do it, do a thread search for the move
7. If it doesn't show up, make a new help thread, if it does read all the advice given in the posts/threads and if the tips don't help, post up in the thread stating what you're having trouble with and how long you've been practicing (should be a week or more)
8. Practice.
Aug 29, 2008
Cardbeginner, the name says it, you are a beginner, stop asking advice for the anaconda, maybe it's just too hard for you right now.

And I agree, you can't call this an Anaconda. This is a really short sort of dribble.

You think there is a magic word that when people tells you, you will do the anaconda as long as Bone's one.
I'm sorry if you don't understand the concept of practice, and I'm sorry if everyone, here and on The 3C, keeps telling you that the best thing is to listen to experienced people. There is people who know more than you, appearently. LOL.
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May 9, 2008
Can someone lock this? He's making multiple threads about the same issue. He can't even click on the second page to see his own thread, so therefore he makes a new thread regarding the same issue. This is rediculous. He doesn't appreciate the wonderful help he is given. He needs to learn to use the search function.
Sep 1, 2007
I'm also having trouble with my anaconda. Does anybody else have this problem, It's got a painful burning sensation when I ... ah, I guess I"ll just go practice.
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