Any good books?

Jun 30, 2008
Hi, I have been into card magic for about a year and a half now and I have a few dvds and books, and I was wondering what book to ask my parents for for the holidays...

I have royal road, art of astonishment (1), the card magic of Les Paul, and the one by erdnase. I was wondering about a book that has some impressive card magic in it, rather than just a list of sleights (like card college).

any suggestions for books? do you think that "by forces unseen" is too hard for an intermediate magician?

Nov 30, 2007
The books I am getting for Christmas are...
Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz
Maximum Entertainment by Ken Weber
Williamson's Wonders (by David Williamson?)
The Collected Almanac by Richard Kaufman
Lifesavers by Michael Weber

Unfortunately I have not read them yet but I have heard that all of them are good. They are not all about card magic but they are great books! Best of luck!
Dec 1, 2008
By forces unseen and drawing room deceptions are two incredible book. Yes, they are hard but they have amazing effects and you will be surprised that you will end up actually performing some. Also, they are so much fun to practice and will keep you busy for quite a time.
Oct 30, 2008
The material in BFU is difficult and you probably will never use anything in it for laymen, but it's still a great book. I loved Dear Mr. Fantasy by John Bannon which just went back into print, read my review of it here.
Spencer Peterson
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Some books I'd suggest...

Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz
Maximum Entertainment by Ken Weber
Inner Card Trilogy by Dai Vernon
The other AoA books
The Magic of Ascanio - Arturo D'Ascanio
Drawing Room Deceptions by Guy Hollingworth
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