Anyone looking for help?

Dec 22, 2007
I hope I don't offend anyone by posting this, however, In my mind this is an honest thing to do. I found through the years that what I've longed for in the magic community was someone to simply ask "Hey, are you working on anything, Do you need help?" Having never been on the receiving end of this question I thought It would be thoughtfull to offer this to anyone who would like any help at all; ideas, technical advice, etc. I can see how some could see this as me bragging, this is not my intention at all, my goal is to simply advance my art. As to your inquiries, post them here or PM me. I've been doing magic for around 12 years so... knock yourselves out=]

These are not tutorials, this is assistance( that means if you don't know it, at all, like dont know a move/ havent purchased it, dont ask me.


You can't help me........nobody can help me.........I'm crazy......crazy can't you see.........AGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!BLEH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Nov 23, 2008
What do you think is a better position for the left first finger when executing the SWE Shift? Some say, like Kenner, that it should rest between the nail and the first knuckle. Personally, I prefer resting it between the first and second knuckle of the first finger, it gives you more control.

Any tips?


anytime. two questions: do you flourish, and do you know the clipshift?Where do you perform? what's your favorite aspect of card magic( controls, forces, color changes)?

I rarely flourish at all. And do not know the clipshift(although i want to get Surfaced this xmas). I usually perform in casual settings, and/or walkaround occasionally. For some i am really drawn to the technical aspects of card magic especially if it helps create something visual. THats why i am really interested in the clipshift.
Do you own surfaced? Is it worth getting?
Jun 24, 2008
Retype: I beleive that it is, again, a matter of personal preference. I just tried your finger placement and found myself incapeable(sp?) of performing the sleight. As far as tips, I've founs that a small amount of pressure with the thumb of the righ hand( to the underside of the bottom long edge of the packet after the shift helps to lever the packet back to a horizontal position.
Jun 24, 2008
Cardclip: Is it ever=] I loved it and it sounds as though you will as well, hope you get it for christmas=]
Chad's teaching leaves little to be desired for even the most miniscule-detail-seeking learner
Jun 24, 2008
Cardclip: If you're interested in the pass and surfaced id recommend looking at the spread pass by ( Paul Lepaul originally) Chad nelson on Dan and


Cardclip: Is it ever=] I loved it and it sounds as though you will as well, hope you get it for christmas=]
Chad's teaching leaves little to be desired for even the most miniscule-detail-seeking learner

Sounds good! lol


As for the spread pass i have thought about getting it but i have a similar spread pass that i think has almost the exact same method as Chad's (Paul LePaul's)
Nov 23, 2008
The left finger is simply curled in further so that the second phalange is in contact with the underneath of the deck. This will give you nearly double the amount of upward pressure, whilst having far more control over the lower packet.

In the 1on1, Kenner says there is a point in the shift where the bottom packet is a "loose object" that's floating. By placing the left first finger in the position I described earlier, I have found the "loose object" time no longer a problem. I hope that's clear.

Take a close look at the SWE diagrams in Erdnase and look closely at the position his left first finger is in.
Jun 24, 2008
ah, left hand. I see what you mean. I recently aquired that move, sorry for misreading earlier. Thank you, you actually helped me alot. =] I've stated before that i haven't had a chance to read alot of Erdnase. Sorry I couldn't help more.
Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
What dvd's dealing with gambling sleights do you recommend? I've been into magic for 8 months now and i've just started to get interested in gambling sleights. I've already learned second and bottom deals from Expert Card Technique. I need one of a considerable price (around $30). So do you have any suggestions?
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