As a 14 year old, where can you start doing shows?

Dec 23, 2010
I know teens like armanmagician do shows at this age, and i was wondering where i could start. I don't need to get paid, and i live in the Long Island area if it helps.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I would check with local libraries, especially in the summer or even church vacation bible school camps. Neither of these would pay you, however you would be gaining the experience of performing for small crowds of children.
Jan 22, 2012
Well what I do is my school does a monthly talent show. So I try as much as I can to participate in them and sometimes there is just one parent who sees you and interested in you. Hand them a business card or maybe a playing card with your information if you don't have business cards yet. I have gotten a show from doing a talent show because the parent saw me and I thought I would be a good choice. Now I would also say hand out flyers in your neighborhood and asking local schools or libraries like RickEverhart said and see if there is a show or something that you can do for them. You just gotta get out there and ask people and you're bound to find someone.
I would try Church functions, Parties, Old folks homes, Boy/girl clubs, restaurants, library's, Fairs, or any events happening, Maybe even a thrift store or any local store in your area.
Just create a magic show and ask these places if you can perform it for free on a curtain day or something. You could make little fliers and advertise it and maybe even do it to raise money for the homeless or cancer or something.

These are just ideas. but whatever you do keep performing anywhere and everywhere you can!

Good luck!
Busking isn't easy. It's tough as nails, and you've got to have some thick skin to be able to do it. However doing street shows is kind of like the magic equivalent of military boot camp. IF you can survive it, and make it work for you then the things you learn will only make you an amazing performer.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
I will say that busking tends to create a specific kind of performer, though. One has to be careful not to try to do a busking show somewhere that's not busking. Even the greats falter in those cases.

I think these are all great suggestions. Barring night clubs or bars, there's not many places that have age restrictions. Even those will make exceptions for some cases, but you probably don't want to go to that environment at this stage. It won't teach you what you need to learn.

What you need to do is get yourself plugged into the local performance community. Look for small theaters, or anywhere with a big enough space for you to perform. I'm not familiar with Long Island, but here in Fresno I'm looking at art galleries, thrift stores, cafe's, etc. The places where I know people perform and (in some cases) places where I know the people that book talent.

Oh! Renn Faires, if there are any you can get to. You have to play a more middle-ages style character, but they'll generally let anyone do anything that's not disturbing the event.
Jan 1, 2009
Back in Time
At your age the public library would most likely the ideal place to get some experience. Most of the other places that would pay you, would most likely not take you seriously at all due to your age. But I could see you getting some good experience at the Library or a church fair or maybe the school talent shows.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
At your age the public library would most likely the ideal place to get some experience. Most of the other places that would pay you, would most likely not take you seriously at all due to your age. But I could see you getting some good experience at the Library or a church fair or maybe the school talent shows.

There are ways around age. One is by showing talent before they really realize you're young.


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
I have four questions:

1. How long have you been studying magic?
2. What are your strongest effects?
3. Have you ever performed for anyone other than your family?
4. Do you have a show that is ready to perform?

My advice is to develop a show, rehearse that show until it is perfect and then look for a place to perform that show.
Jan 4, 2013
Perfect advice thank you, I'm 18 and trying to get started as well.
The only thing is... It is hard to do card tricks in a stage setting without a camera and big TV like the Pros have!
Oct 8, 2011
Just throwing this out there, I am a 14 year old magician from Baltimore and I have been performing semipro for the last 2 years and believe it or not, people actually hire me.

I get about 2 or 3 shows a month, though these are mainly birthdays and camps, kid shows etc., mind you but they do pay pretty well for a guy my age.

Things really picked up speed when I went to Bayswater, NJ to perform volunteer strolling magic for a free carnival for victims of Hurricane/Tropical Storm/Superstorm Sandy. An article was published on a fairly popular site in my community and I was mentioned in magazines not only in Baltimore, but also in Queens, Far Rockaway, etc.

I'm currently working on building a small website for myself and will probably redesign it some time and actually buy the domain.

The most important thing is to always act like an adult, a pro, and don't sell yourself short because of your age.

although I have had people turn me down when they find out I am 14, but that's life.

best of luck

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