Asher Twist

Sep 20, 2008
First of all, i think its a Great effect. Kudos to Lee for that.

but on a more important note- i usually do this after i do DnD's 'Queens' (with production)

Although might i ask: do you guys get the same reactions that i get? i usually just get the simple 'Oh.. Cool.' everytime i perform it.

I dont always perform it after queens- its just making use of the four queens that's already been produced-vanished-Produced.

What kind of reactions do you guys get?
Jul 25, 2008
Well the asher twist is a quick little trick. When performed right it looks pretty damn good. Whenever i do it i get the simple nod of the head. Sometimes when it's over they say "is that it"? But i dont perform it often.
Sep 20, 2008
the best reaction ive got out of it was "what the F***? do that again?"

and since the trick is an instant reset, i'd just do it just to piss em off again.

i was wondering if there were any better reactions than this?

My ACR+Stained Skin routine has made people in my college bust out their bibles and start praying (it was the funniest thing ive seen in my life)

Also, this person was walking towards the opposite direction as i am, and as i said hello to him (cause he was my spectator earlier) he sort of huddled to the nearby wall saying "Go do your magic over there... Jesus Jew-Boy! BLACK MAGIC! AAAAAAAH!"

I burst out laughing. This is why i got into magic. Its so entertaining. For both the Magician and the spectators. =]

ANYWHO: Yeah, on topic, any better reactions?
Jul 25, 2008
Honestly when i look back, i have gotten some good reactions. But none like collectors edition, collectors, punked, or even a simple double lift trick. Seriously it's hilarious when i double lift and they see it's not there card. Then i turn it over and give it to em. They FREAK OUT. It's awesome. What are your best effects?
Sep 20, 2008
I'd prolly say i had the best reaction out of around 30 people when i performed a stained skin revalation. It was just a simple riffle force and i let the spectator shuffle. in a stigmata-esque style i performed the revalation. they went proper mental. XD

Sometimes its better if i just did a Double lift and just take the top card, shake it a bit and turn it over. they go nuts. as they're going nuts, i do a top change and shake it again, they go nuts again. at this point i mention that we should do it faster, i do a shake change/shapeshifter, and they go even more MENTAL.

I think im one of them people that love classic tricks. I usually dont have a routine, and sometimes the simplest things such as a Long Distance spinner (where the card is flicked upwards) is a good effect. (im practicing hotshots, dont worry =])
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