Awkward situation..


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
I would actually say it depends on situation. If is is a "celebration of life" type of funeral and people are eating and celebrating back at someone's home....then that is different. It might help people have fun. I have been at some like this.

If it is a typical serious funeral, then absolutely NOT. This is not your day with attention being on you. It could look really tasteless.

I guess use your own judgement.
Apr 1, 2009
I would also say it really depends. Some people need it. BUT it depends on the moment. So be careful. It's like at a hospital that you're performing. Obviously youre not going to perform for the lady who was just told terrible news. The fact that you're going to a funeral and questioning whether you should bring magic though.... :p


Elite Member
Sep 8, 2012
Quebec, Canada
No. It's not a good idea, let's say its common sense to not perform magic in such a sad time. This reminds me when Justin Willman shows in his DVD's street kreed, "bad times for magic". One of those bad times was a funeral.
Jul 25, 2012
Detroit, MI
No, just so much no to that. I really don't want to sound mean but that is not the time or place, with all the sadness people are going to have there attention else where.
Sep 1, 2007
Belgrade, Serbia
I was attending a funeral of a very famous magician here in Serbia, and naturally there were a lot of magicians there giving respect, and afterwards we went to a restaurant to gather and talk. No one did magic. So if there was no magic at a magicians funeral, then I don't think it's a good idea to do it at anyone else funeral.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Oddly, there are people that actually offer their services for funerals & wakes which just seems tasteless to me. BUT, I can understand having some SIMPLE bits like Sponge Bunnies and some very simple coin type stuff for the kids that are there and "lost" as they often get. I'd not be twisting balloons or juggling, but doing some simple tricks to help cheer them up or otherwise occupy their minds while the adults are doing their thing, MIGHT be acceptable. The thing is, you really need to make a judgement call as to what is appropriate, when and where. . . I'd pull the kids off to the side if practical, or when you find one that's feeling shy, etc. do a little something for that child. . . be prepared to give things away but ask the parent before giving a kid candy of any sort and of course, be wise when it comes to small items (choking hazards).

That's about as far as I'd push things and I certainly wouldn't be doing anything tied to the Paranormal.
Dec 29, 2011
Like many have said here, it depends on whether its the wake or the funeral. Definitely don't during the ceremony or at the event at all, but I see it being perfectly reasonable at the wake. I've only been to one wake, which turned out to be quite a lively party, then again, the wake also depends on where you are and who you are with, and the whole mood of the thing really.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Luis, I don't think he meant it as a sick joke. Believe it or not I guess I am the only one that has been to a few funerals were it was more of a celebration of life. Meaning that after the funeral everyone goes back to someone's home and it is more like a party with food, fun, memories, stories, etc. I guess that is where I thought magic would maybe be possible, but not directed towards the person who had just lost their loved one. I don't think he meant it as a joke.

But yes, you are right, if I was at a family members funeral and some dude pulls out cards...I might have to "go off" on him / her. Ha Ha.


Elite Member
Sep 13, 2008
Luis, I don't think he meant it as a sick joke. Believe it or not I guess I am the only one that has been to a few funerals were it was more of a celebration of life. Meaning that after the funeral everyone goes back to someone's home and it is more like a party with food, fun, memories, stories, etc. I guess that is where I thought magic would maybe be possible, but not directed towards the person who had just lost their loved one. I don't think he meant it as a joke.

But yes, you are right, if I was at a family members funeral and some dude pulls out cards...I might have to "go off" on him / her. Ha Ha.

Different cultures treat death differently, of course. When I go, I'd rather have people happy and talking about our times together, rather than everyone just sitting around sad. Of course, if there's going to be magic, it better be good magic. ;)

If you have to question it, though, I would just say the answer is no. It would be obvious if it were appropriate.
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