Back palm Tips

Jan 21, 2010
Does anyone have any tips on how to transfer a coin from a front finger hold to a back palm and back again? IMHO the back palm is one of the most deceptive displays out there, but I can't do the transfer well enough to adequately portray the hand empty. Any advice?
May 6, 2009
Does anyone have any tips on how to transfer a coin from a front finger hold to a back palm and back again? IMHO the back palm is one of the most deceptive displays out there, but I can't do the transfer well enough to adequately portray the hand empty. Any advice?

You can also go from backpalm to tenkai palm/clip by letting go of the coin and let it hang , then reproduce it.

To do it good, choose a coin that rests easily on the fingers in front finger hold. The coin has to be the right size, but not too big or small. Once you find the right size coin, practice, practice, practice. When you vanish the coin make a throwing motion to cover the move.
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