Back To The Roots

Jul 13, 2009

What a wonderful documentary. It is a great mixture of magic history and magic theory and great example of how less is more in magic. It doesn't showcase close up cardistry but mainly focuses on parlor and stage magic, which in my humble opinion is probably the most rewarding form of magic to do. It brings the question of what a secret in magic is and gives some food for thought and inadvertently even questions the direction of where magic is heading now a day. It is a humbling documentary that seems to be more focused toward laymen but even still there are some hard to grasp and deep messages pitched that magicians should consider.

Hope y'all enjoy.


Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico

What a wonderful documentary. It is a great mixture of magic history and magic theory and great example of how less is more in magic. It doesn't showcase close up cardistry but mainly focuses on parlor and stage magic, which in my humble opinion is probably the most rewarding form of magic to do. It brings the question of what a secret in magic is and gives some food for thought and inadvertently even questions the direction of where magic is heading now a day. It is a humbling documentary that seems to be more focused toward laymen but even still there are some hard to grasp and deep messages pitched that magicians should consider.

Hope y'all enjoy.


Thanks for sharing!! I´ll check it out as soon as I have some time!! but it sounds like an amazing find!!
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