Banachek is coming to my school tomorrow!

Sep 1, 2007
on Theory11.
Hey guys,
Banachek is coming to my school tomorrow and I'm so pumped! I'm gonna get him to sign my copy of Psychological Subtleties and Psychokinetic Silverware... I'm also gonna try to ask him a few questions and get it on film for you guys.
Anyone have any questions for Banachek?
Gotta make it quick, though. His show is at 8:00p EST and I'm hoping to get an interview before or after the show....

Dec 17, 2007
oh ya well derren brown is coming to my school and i have a backstage pass ........................................................ and then i woke up =)
Aug 31, 2007
Hey guys,
Banachek is coming to my school tomorrow and I'm so pumped! I'm gonna get him to sign my copy of Psychological Subtleties and Psychokinetic Silverware... I'm also gonna try to ask him a few questions and get it on film for you guys.
Anyone have any questions for Banachek?
Gotta make it quick, though. His show is at 8:00p EST and I'm hoping to get an interview before or after the show....


Oi. You'll probably get a really good conversation with him, since not really too much other people would know him, and you're a magician. It's basically forcing him to talk to you. He'll be suprised if you bring PK silverware.
Nov 23, 2007

Great job on the interview. Banachek seemed real down to earth. I think it was cool he stayed after the show to answer questions and do some signing. You didnt say anything about how the show was.

How long was it?

How did he perform?

What did you learn from it?

What did others in your school think and take away from it?

Again man, awesome job!!!

Matt Jones, T11 interviewer on location :D

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