Edit: Thanks Prae, I took a quick read of your post after the fact, and I think you'll see that I echo a lot of what you had to say below, without having read your post when I wrote this earlier.
I'm going to grade your videos on several points, and not just off whose I like better, since I feel that the success of a magic presentation depends on the whole package as opposed to just the effect that is being presented itself.
I'll use a system of grading similar to the one I use when I review products. The scale works on a grade given between 1 and 10. One being the absolute worst possible score possible, Ten being the best. Leaving a score of five to be dead average. I will warn you now, just as I don't give scores of one very often, I also don't give scores of ten either. I generally believe that nothing can truly be worthy of such low or high scores. I'll grade you on the following categories: Video & Sound Quality, Presentation, Technique, and Over All.
Before I even begin, if I may offer TowTox some informative critique non related to this battle for consideration.
The first thing I think you need to be more mindful of is how you communicate with others on this forum. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling are very important things that you need to use to get anyone to take you serious. I understand that being 14, and in middle school (maybe High school?), this may seem like an alien concept to you, as I'm sure this is how your friends all talk. However- it is important to realize that not everyone else on this forum is 14. Most of the older people on the internet all consider run on sentences and leet speak/ lol speak to be highly annoying. You seem to favor throwing these one sentence posts out there that lack structure, form, or function. I'd consider this particular advice very carefully because choosing to ignore this will only complicate your interactions with others on this (or any) forum in the future.
With that being said, let's look at the Video & Sound Quality for the two videos. When I am grading for Video & Sound Quality, I'm asking myself the following questions: “Can I understand what is going on in the video based upon what I see? Can I understand what is being said? Can I comprehend an overall message through the course of the video? Is the video angles good, do things move in or out of frame, is the sound consistent, and is the camera work stable and easy to watch?”
TowTox: 7
Your video is very clean. The shot is steady, over the shoulder, and your cards never leave frame. This makes watching the effect and following along with it so much simpler. The focus isn't in watching a spectator enjoy the magic as it happens, the focus is placed on the at home viewer, and their personal experience. This kind of situation always has potential for wider appeal, as the viewer at home now has a personal reason to invest into your performance. Your sound is also good. I can hear you at all times, and I can understand what you are saying. I don't agree with the back ground music though. I don't know if it would have been better to edit in some soft playing music in post, or just not used music at all. This would have to be something you'd have to play around with in the editing process. The right music selection can either enhance or completely take away from the performance, depending on what kind of music you're using and for what trick.
Casen: 4
Your video looks like it was shot on a cell phone. The image quality is a bit blurry, and the sound, especially with the back ground noise, makes it hard to focus on what you are doing and saying. I don't know if there's a better camera that you can use, or borrow from a friend, but (especially for battles) I would consider doing so, if you are going to continue posting videos online for others to enjoy.
Quick Review for Vide & Sound Quality:
Casen when compared next to TowTox's video, you video & sound quality pales in comparison. Round point goes to TowTox.
When I grade for presentation I'm asking myself a few simple questions: “Was I entertained by your video? Were you able to engage me as a viewer, draw and keep my attention for the duration of your video? Did you give reason to why you were doing what you were doing? Did it look like a well rehearsed performance, or did it feel like you were just making things up as you went?”
TowTox: 4
Your video had a few points in it where I felt disconnected from what you were doing. You attempt to do a fan at :15 seconds, which isn't that bad of a fan, and then proceed to apologize to your audience because you “suck at fanning.” Two things come to mind here. 1) Never apologize. And 2) if you suck at it, then why are you doing it in a performance piece? This is something you should be doing in practice, not when someone is watching you! At :42 seconds you begin telling me a series of “And now we're going to do … X thing.” This is a magic trick, not a cooking show. I can very well see what you're doing. You don't have to tell me every little thing. The ONLY reason why magicians do “cooking shows” is because they don't have a script. They have nothing prepared for what they are going to say, they know they need to say something, so they just describe in painful detail what it is that I can intuitively see you doing. Break yourself of this habit RIGHT now. Never do this again, your magic will instantly improve. :52 Why are you showing me the bottom card? Why should I care about it? The only card I care about is the one that was selected. I saw it get mixed into the deck, why should I now have to worry about some other card? 1:03 Why am I now seeing the top card? Again, why should I care about any card other than the one I selected? 1:11 Oh.. NOW you explain it. My card isn't on top or bottom. But you've not done anything to yet suggest this is a possibility. The only thing I've seen is the card get mixed into the deck. Also, again why are we taking the six from the bottom? What is the motivation for this? 2:03 we have a genuine moment of magic where something has happened that is amazing. There's a card in the deck that is backwards! ...and you completely miss the chance to expand upon this point. Instead, you just out-jog it, and finish spreading through the deck, which leaves the reveal a little lack luster. Final note, don't constantly riffle the deck, or spin the cards when you don't need to. It doesn't add anything to the presentation. In fact it actually gets a bit annoying and slightly distracting to watch.
Casen: 4
Your biggest problem going for you is that your video takes 8 minutes and change to present material that should have been over with inside of three minutes. You lost a spectator because she “freaked out and left” and then at the end there's some weird guy doing a card trick that has nothing to do with the presentation. You either need to learn to edit your video's better, use better audience control, and management, or scrap the video, and reshoot a totally new video all together. Sure your subtitles during the frame brake helped me to understand what was about to happen, but it really disrupted my enjoyment of the film because it felt so sudden. May I remind you that this is a battle, and in such a competition? Although bragging rights are the only thing at stake, I'd expect you to be more focused on your material presented. If that means you have to go out and shoot new video specificity to fit the needed battle, then do it. While you had moments in your video that I truly was entertained watching you, you lost me in the over all. Further, I should disqualify you for using video footage of someone else performing during your submission. This is YOUR battle. Not your youth pastors. Last point: What the hell is up with the mini commercial at 4:33? Seriously you need to edit your videos better.
Quick Review for Presentation:
We've got a couple of glaring problems with both videos. TowTox failed to entertain me because there really wasn't any motivation behind what he was doing. I was left to watch a series of moves as he attempted to find my card, that really didn't make sense to me, meanwhile Casen took WAY to long to present an effect. I could have gone out, got a burger and fries, and been back before the video ended. This category is a wash.