Beginner DVD

Jun 10, 2008
You little stalker!
I'm just now getting into coin magic. I already got bobo's book and its great and all, but i still feel i learn better from dvd's. Does anyone know any really good coin dvd's? By really good, i mean it teaches alot of beginner slieghts (palms, clips, vanishes, procutions) and then incorporates them into routines. And i'm looking for one taught by a really good teacher and is more worth its price.
Dec 23, 2007
Fredonia, NY
Michael Ammar and David Roth's dvd series are much better than "In the Beginning" from what i have heard. Either of them would be great resources
Jul 7, 2008
Michael Ammar's "Introduction to Coin Magic"


David Roth's anything he has put out about coins

Noblezada's video looks like he threw it together in one weekend. His explanations are peppered with "uh's" and "um's" and just utterly reeks of unprofessionalism. They did of course add some flashy music and menus and the obligatory "Hey we're doing magic in Las Vegas for drunk tourists!" that is rampant in the majority of Penguin produced DVDs.

Of course if you're into fluff...go for Jay. I'm sure you'll be all the rage on YouTube.
May 24, 2008
Cant go wrong with David Roth's basic coin magic DVD's. He is an excellent coin magician, and you would be getting the best advice out there on all of your basic palms etc.
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