Best book of magic??

Dec 18, 2009
I think someone already mentioned Stars of Magic. Close Up Card Magic by Harry Lorayne is a gold mine. Expert Card Technique is great (only 13 bucks!) and Dunbury Dellusion (trick) was worth the price of the book.


Magic book

UGH I have soooooo many so its a tough choice, do you want of all time or within the past ten years?
Jan 5, 2010
If this is for Card Magic (because it is under 'Card Magic') then one word... "Erdnase"

The ideas in this book haven't been improved in the 200 years it's been out. That has to say something about it :p
Feb 16, 2009
South Bend, IN
If this is for Card Magic (because it is under 'Card Magic') then one word... "Erdnase"

The ideas in this book haven't been improved in the 200 years it's been out. That has to say something about it :p

Hmm.... Erdnase was published in 1902, which is 108 years back, not 200.

Also, it is a stretch to say that nothing has been improved in between. Card magic has come a long way in the intervening years. This does not mean Erdnase is redundant, but just that you might sometimes find better techniques elsewhere.

In a nutshell, I think Erdnase should mark the beginning of an advanced card man's education and not its end.
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