Best Coin Magician

Mar 29, 2008
A few perhaps not mentioned, as I agree with, Kurtz, Stone, Troy Hooser and David Roth..actually, Chris nailed many of them.

Here are a few others that are very good.

Joe Rindfleisch
Nathan Kranzo
Mike Rubinstein
Oct 11, 2007
Homer and Chris of course!What about Williamson,Gertner,Kozak all have been great coin guy's as well.
Jun 10, 2008
Newcastle upon Tyne
Ohhhhhhh... Okay, I can't name one...

Gary Kurtz

Giacomo Bertini

Homer Liwag

Chris Kenner

Troy Hooser


Al Schneider

And more that don't come to mind straight away... I'll review my post later.

Thats a hard question to answer. First of all, its not T nelson downs. He was certainly one of the greatest for everything he did but he couldn't be the best because he was standing on the ground while the rest of us get to stand on his shoulders.

If i'm making a list based on skill, and not (necessarily) entertainment value. The guys who can do crazy stuff that others can't do and the guys who do it the smoothest. The list would go something like this:

Giacomo Bertini
Reed McClintock
Kurtis Kam
Kainoa Harbottle
Rune Klan
Eric Jones
Gary Kurtz
Troy Hoosier
Ponta the Smith

Wow im drawing a blank now. But those are a few.


Jul 19, 2009
Hmm depends on which genres I'd judge them on.
To me, I would say the best coin magicians are Giacomo Bertini, Kainoa Harbottle and David Roth since I love their techniques and they're the ones who inspired me the most.
But on the other hand, if I'd judge on performance, excluding the ones I've already mentioned, I'd probably add Eric Jones and Michael Rubinstein.

But if I'd stop being an over-analytic ass and get to the point I'd just say Giacomo Bertini.
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