Best comment you have gotten?

Jan 18, 2009
The best comment uhh there's a few
"but it was their, then uh uh, what the hell"friend
"are you the devil"friend
"dude your jesus"spectator
"........but.......i...give up..."friend
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I saw this thread, and thought of this recent post, one of the best I've seen for a while.

Brad Henderson said:
Magicians on the internet have been conditioned to believe that there is only one proper reaction to a magic performance - screaming, illiterate, homeless people shouting expletives and running away.

The truth is, this is one of the weakest reactions one could strive for as it is purely visceral. We could elicit the same response by threatening them with a knife or farting loudly (and noxiously) in the direction.

Real magic performances do not occur like the fantasies we are fed on magic demos and TV street specials. Real magicians don't get to burn through hours of tape to find the one idiot without social awareness.

So, a truly stunned audience doesn't "read" on the web.

Take for example Zach's performance on Master's of Illusion. The girl he worked for was stunned. You can see it in her face. But so many here thought he failed.

He didn't.

They simply have no idea how real people respond to magic in real performing conditions - life is but a "single take" opportunity.

So, a real performance in front of real people will be met with shouts of "boring" or "why didn't he do something badazz like 'flow.'"

What these critics can't see is the captivation of the audience, the depth of the moment of astonishment, or the connection created between the performer and his guests.


Brad Henderson
Nov 29, 2008
My moment actually happened today after we had finished our midterms. I did the business card version of stigmata. The spec., my friend, who put the name in teh card was just astonished, jaw dropped, "How did you do that?" But that wasn't the best part. About a minute later i saw him rubbing his wrist trying to see what would show up.
Jan 28, 2009
Whangarei, New Zealand.
The best comment I have ever recieved was when I did Angle Zero by DM and made the card's torn corner appear inside a sealed sugar packet (as suggested by Dan Buck in Organic).

One guy yelled at the top of his voice "I've seen loads of magicians, even one in the Savoy... but that was bloody crazy!"

Next thing I know I'm performing for the whole cafe.

That one moment cememnted my views on magic.
Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
I hate to join this thread of ego stroking. But what the hell. Two women I performed for last night in a pub said "Dude, you just made my f***ing night."

Yeah, there were several screaming reactions of OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL THAT WAS AMAZING! ...But that last quieter comment made my night. Especially since I epicly screwed up a new trick I've been practicing. lol. >.>;;;
Jul 29, 2008

i think the best comment i got was when i was at my friends house a few months ago, and his dad LOVES to see me perform. i performed fiber optics, a few things from AoA and he loved all of it. afterwards when we went to dinner with him he couldnt stop bragging to his friends about how great i was and how i was as good as the people who perform at las vegas.well, thats my story.
Apr 30, 2008
Sweden, Vänersborg
When I started out in magic i once performed a simple but good one a head principle trick. My schoolmates totaly freaked out a girl said that i could start getting payed for this. And at that time i knew two cardtricks so it was very motivational.
May 3, 2008
Hong Kong
-"Are you god?"
-"Are you jesus?"
-"Are you Satan?"
-"I hate you"
-"oh f*k...." (from a high school teacher)
-"Can I have your babies?"
-"I'm sorry I dont believe in magic...." after trick "WHAT????!?!?!?!"
Sep 1, 2007
I hate to join this thread of ego stroking.

What else are we here for?

Best comment I ever received wasn't one of those screaming, deer-in-the-headlights reactions that most of the rabble out there whack to.

"You're not like other magicians. You actually talk to us."
Feb 13, 2009
best compliments were reactions for me
"he's the antichrist"
"your full of $h!t"
"your a witch"
"thats creepy"
"is that black magic?"
"Can you see the future? Can you tell me about my love life?"
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Nov 20, 2007
Sydney, Australia
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeegoooooooooooooo stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke stroke...

K, GO!
Jan 18, 2009
I just recently got a comment from my friend. Iv showed a lot of tricks in the past, and he started to figure some of it out. so i did sloppy triumph, and he said "not even gonna try" and walked away.
Dec 26, 2009
I was doing some tricks on this one girl in the Computer Lab and she said "just got taken with card tricks and had my mind read by Steven Joshua Brundage, the new and improved David Blaine!!!! impressed right now..."

First post on Theory11 and you dig up a thread from 2 years ago... strange.

Anyway I will add mine to the thread as well.

I always perform 2 Card Monte. It's my go to trick. I performed it for my Father-In-Law as he turned his hand over for the reveal at the end he saw that the red Kings had turned to the black Aces and said "Oh S***!" then he threw the cards down on the table.

I was only a few months into magic at that point and it was my first reaction I had ever had that was like that so I knew with that reaction that 2 Card Monte would always be my go to trick.
Apr 1, 2009
My favorite reaction will always be the time I did las Vegas leaper and the girl sat on the cards. At the end of the trick her explanation was "you made me sh*t cards!" I couldn't help from laughing.
Dec 11, 2010

I was showing some kid in a part an ACR and his jaws basically dropped. Didnt say a word, he just looked like he actually saw magic happening in front of him
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