Best deck

Jul 26, 2016
Interesting question. I have a relatively large collection of decks. Many are beautiful and of high quality, including several I have purchased from Theory 11. As a working magician, though, I am reluctant to use custom cards from my collection for bookings, as I want to keep them in pristine condition. The exception is when I am fortunate enough to land a very upscale, exceptionally high paying gig, as the custom cards are noticed and appreciated, and make an excellent impression and conversation piece, and then I can always afford to splurge for a replacement.

But I have to say, my go-to everyday decks are Bicycle (usually red backed, but sometimes blue). I find that they fan very well, do not have a tendency to clump, are not too thin, not too thick, and are otherwise good for shuffling and various flourishes. They last pretty long too, as long as you don't get them wet or dirty or grimy. (Working outside in the heat will also do in most any deck). When possible, I use the Bicycle Rider Backs, as opposed to the Bicycle Standards. The Rider backs seem to be cut more evenly and to be of higher quality. Those generally aren't available in stores, so I usually get a 12 pack online. The other advantage of Bicycles is that they have long been in common use and are recognized by most people, helping to dispel the notion that you might be using "trick cards."
Jul 26, 2016
Yes, they are excellent, and of higher quality and better handling than the far less costly Bicycle decks. I normally get 12 Rider back decks for an average of $2.00 per deck with frees shipping. So, generally, it is not worth it to me to pay 3 times as much, or more, with shipping, for a deck that I do not consider 3 times better. But of course, like so many things, it is an individual choice. But your question was favorite deck handling-wise. With price being no object, I would certainly go with the Gold.
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