Best magicians wallet so far?

Jul 28, 2017
Well, my current wallet is just about bust so I am going to need a new one. My current Wallet is just a simple pocket bi fold wallet, non magician wallet but figured I would like to get a magicians wallet that I can use as my normal wallet as well.

I see there are many wallets each with their features and prices but not sure on what is the best. I know that best can mean many things for different people but for me it's about quality and functionality and must be a wallet that will fit in my trouser pockets.

Just want to know what some people have experienced. I realise there is another topic on this subject but it is 6 or so years old I think so thought a new post would be ok.

Cheers guys

Davis West

Elite Member
Dec 26, 2013
I use the "Real Man's Wallet" as my day to day carry wallet. (
It's only magic function is a card to wallet system. I use it for card magic and some pseudo-pickpocketing routines. I picked it up because of its extremely reasonable price and so I always have a trick on me. I think the best magic wallet out there has to be Matthew Wright's "Fourseen Wallet" ( The wallet is definitely for the top professional due to its high price, but it contains so many features that you could perform an entire set with just the wallet.

So it all depends on how much you plan to invest in your wallet. :)


Elite Member
Jul 22, 2016
C2W by Shawn Farquhar is awesome. I saw him perform with it first hand.
Its available from
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