Bet you Never Had this Happen


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Well....mark tonight down as a first for me. After 10 years of performing, tonight, at a Casino Night Fundraiser event I had a very attractive lady with fake breasts, pick up my deck of cards and shove them in her cleavage right in front of me and her husband. I just laughed and pulled out my spare deck because I was not about to get decked by her husband. Ha ha. Plus I am married and that would have been entirely crossing the line. She obviously handed them back and laughed. She had had a bit too much to drink and was just being playful but still...ha ha.


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Glad you caught that Parker. I actually had no intention on wording it like that so that is actually pretty funny how it came out.
Apr 17, 2013
When I worked for the radio station as their magician, as well we their grapahic guy and talk show co-host, I would have the wear their mascot costume from time to time. Everyone had to at some point even the boss did it from time to time. Any ways.... We were set up outside the civic center doing a remote for a concert we were not sponsoring. This meant I wasn't backstage performing magic for the band. While in the Rabbit costume this woman with very large very fake breast walks up to me grabs my gloved hand and plants it right on her left breast and yells "These mellons feel real bunny?" At least she didn;t go for the carrot.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
When I worked for Playboy I had developed a strong rep for doing the Magic Ding Dong but after several months it had become passe, so I started doing a sponge cube routine and the climax load was a large sponge mouse trap that would flip across towards a person's chest. . . it was a Boobie Trap. . . the kicker is, I got to pull it on Elvira one night at the Castle.

I also got to do the classic Bra Trick with Dolly Pardon. . . that that was cool!

Last but not least was when I did a rising card routine using an A.M.Y. Deck and placing it in the clevage of a Playboy Bunny "Mother Bunny" hostess. . . that was priceless. . . but I was 19 at the time c'mon. . .

There's just something about putting your deck in between those things. . .


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
Nice Craig. Sounds like good times. I would venture to say most of the young'ins here probably don't know who Elvira is...maybe Dolly Parton.
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