Birthday Party Gig Advice - I should have known


forum moderator / t11
Elite Member
Sep 14, 2008
Louisville, OH
So everyone already read about my strolling gig last Friday night and the traffic jam, but I also performed at a birthday party Saturday afternoon. I've always had great experiences with birthday parties and receive great reviews.

This one I wanted to share what happened so it doesn't happen to you.

The client wanted me there at 3:30 PM so that the show could start at 4:00 PM. It was for 25 8-9 year old kids. I arrived on time and set up my equipment. At 3:50 I was rechecking props, getting a drink of water, rechecking my sound, using the restroom, music on the ipod, etc.

One major problem. 10 minutes before show time I have 2 kids present. The birthday child and his younger brother. Keep in mind the client wanted the show to start at 4:00 and go to 4:30 and then a half hour of balloons afterwards for all of the children.

I was a bit worried. The mother said she had invited 25 kids and yet now at 4:00 there were only 5. I told her kindly that I would postpone the show til about 4:15 but then I would need to get started. She said she understood and didn't know why her guests were not arriving on time. By 4:15 I had about 20 and decided to go ahead and begin the magic show. Of course then, from 4:15 to 4:30...every few minutes a new kid and his / her parents would walk in the door thus distracting from the show.

Lesson for everyone here: Ask the client when the guests are supposed to arrive and then tell them you will do the show a half hour later from that time. People tend to arrive fashionably late. Don't let them tell you when they want you there and have them think that all of their guests will walk through the door at show time. It does not and will not happen. Ugh...I should have known better and it will not happen again. Up until this party...for the past 3 years I had never run into this.

Any how, I still put on a killer party and finished with balloons afterwards as always.

Luis Vega

Elite Member
Mar 19, 2008
Leon, Guanajuato Mexico
Another advice is that you should ask the client that it must not be other things besides the show, like a band playing, food serving, piñata..etc...I hate when people gets distracted in your show because the client didn´t take care of those things...and I also hate in private adult parties when I am in the middle of a trick and they say "wait a second" and then stand up to say hello to the late-arriving guest...I hate that!!!

Anyway...great wasn´t your fault that people arrived late... hope you had a blast!!


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey

Good advice. One idea is to provide the parents with a list of activities the kids can do when they get there. That way, the kids that arrive on time aren't going wild for half an hour. The other is to have a number of warm-ups or crafts (e.g. making a magic wand) to do that aren't necessarily magic. Those can easily occupy 10 to 15 minutes.

Luis brings up a good point. Talk to the parents about when everything else will happen. You don't want them serving cake while you're performing. Most parents will appreciate the advice and appreciate you helping them plan the party.


Elite Member
Aug 31, 2007
Fantastic advice. A similar rule applies to corporate walk around. Starting a bit later than the time doors open is always better.
And many client haven't done this and don't know that. It is part of offering good service to clients to let them know. :)

As usual, I appreciate your sharing.
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