i know i was off... but you guys now know about it altogether! you guys owe me big time!
What the...?
No we do not.
Your claim was almost entirely based off on an incorrect premise. The conclusion turned out wrong.
Why do we owe you then?
i know i was off... but you guys now know about it altogether! you guys owe me big time!
How do we owe you anything.i know i was off... but you guys now know about it altogether! you guys owe me big time!
Your bad spelling makes me want to disagree with you...
Oh my god. I said failing instead of falling. Big deal, I already edited it. E keeps coming out with new products and you guys keep falling into the hype. Just buy the ghosts for 5 bucks if you like the feel of there cards. Don't pay 3 more dollare to get the same deck in black. Seriously that's the only difference. If you like black decks then get the shadow masters. Looks exactly the same as the black ghosts just more of a shadow look.
Your bad spelling makes me want to disagree with you...
Oh my god. I said failing instead of falling. Big deal, I already edited it. E keeps coming out with new products and you guys keep falling into the hype.
Guys, let's not mar this thread any further; let's focus on WHAT the speaker is saying, NOT how well the speaker says it.
I really have to agree with ..:Z:..'s post. We've stopped talking about what the poster originally intended for us to discuss (the Black Ghost deck) and have reverted to nitpicking each other's grammar. Let's get back on topic, alright?
Don't talk about hype when there is a 100+ page thread talking about how you (and everybody else on this fourm) couldn't wait to get/see the Centurions.
And a spelling lecture.... if you're referring to "someone's" the you write "theirs" not "theres" use the spel chek feutre, schista....
Okay guys, lets drop this little argument.
Onto the Black Ghost Deck. . . .
I think they look great, but I'm getting a little tired of these posts where people are saying their going to buy a brick(12) of these decks when their released, just because they look cool. How about if they fan/handle poorly? That means you wasted a lot of money on cards that you don't really enjoy. I may buy 2 decks just to see how they feel compared to other decks.
If I like them because they fan well and handle properly, then I'm glad because I have a back-up deck for when I ware out the 1st one. If I decide that these really aren't what I expected, well I'll just be glad I didn't buy a dozen for what I thought was going to be good.
I love the design, but I'm not paying for the design. I want to actually do something with these cards, not look at them and admire the artwork. I'll enjoy the cards more if their put to good use, like doing flourishes with them. How much more beautiful do you think these cards would look if somebody made a flourishing video of them rather than a video to show what they look like.
So I'm just saying, the design is important, but the feel is way beyond important to me.
"Don't judge a book by it's cover."
Man.... I hate the way these sites operate..... This is not a hate letter towards E as I do buy things from them. They are pretty good, but I just hate hype marketing in general. Well... it makes them more sales.
Unlike the Theory11 artists, who post every single day, the E artists and admins post very rarely. Their not active in their community, and they have no tricks or products coming out for another two months. On top of all of it, they won't tell anyone about any upcoming projects. E has told us about prophet, and Dangerous. What has E told us about?
You know whats so ironic? One of he admins form Ellusoinist is reading this as we speak!
And don't get me started on those Black Ghosts. They look EXACTLY like the Shadow Masters. Oh they have a different Ace and joker, that makes them totally different. Also, 8 bucks a deck, plus shipping? You could get three Guardian decks for the price of one BG.
Oh please, get start on them. That's what the thread is about: The BG deck!!!
Wow. I thought I was the only person who obvserved this pattern!
E knows exactly what they're doing. The funny thing is, they'll try to pass themselves off as this and that saying they're not all hype and our goal is to teach (bull ****).... Irony
Even though WE create the hype, E fuels it to highest level by doing all that teaser crap. It's soooo annoying. But yah, like you said, they're just gonna make more money.
I wonder how many suckers sheld-out 300$ for the Tiers just to get that BG deck...
That means we get some more over hyped junk (that was found in an old books)! I can't wait to see some more original (yah right?) material this year. Hey, maybe they next time I send a purchase for 2 DvDs, I might actually get to pay 9$ shipping this time!!! Whooooooooo.
I'm glad there are sites like T11, Penguin, and Lybrary. Those truely are the best.
Z, I find your attitude to be hypocritical. Do you feel safe enough on another forum to say stuff like this?
I'm not going to waltz into a gay bar preaching my thoughts (against) homosexuality.
Bad example?
I can't talk about stuff like that in those forums without people bashing for total domination and ultimate superiority. If they would remove the egotistical attitudes and just talk normally (civilized), then I wouldn't mind.
2) One of our goals is to teach. I don't know how you believe that to be ironic unless this is another one of those remarks about how we copy this site...which is quite ironic. Perhaps you are not sure of the definition of ironic?
Yah, your right about the teaching. Go ahead, absorb the moment. Rub it in. You are superior. Affirm that ego. One more point for E!
You are always going to get me on what I say in the text exactly. I have trouble trying to convey my messages clearly seeing how my english sucks so bad. I'm not saying that as an excuse for my self, though.
I gotta work on sharing a meaning instead of sending a message.
3) E does know exactly what it is doing.
You bet.
You must certainly have an example of that saved in your favorites...let's see it. lol You act like hype is bad, but it is a facet of advertising.
Hey, you said lol. Isn't using internet slang in your forums forbidden? Being a bit hypocritcal there aren't you?
I'm nitpicking. But you know that already.
I don't like business uses hype to sell their products but there's nothing I could do about it. Of course that's the facet of advertisement but it seems you guys rely on it greatly.
You are right in one regard, the users tend to create the hype, not us.
Man, you should see that 108+ thread about the Centurions....
I think the reason why so many people were participating in that thread as bcause there was a prize to be had for the person who figures out those puzzles.
What is all that teaser crap? Can you link me to all that teaser crap?
Shoot, I shoudn't have said all. Oh well. My inability to communicate properly has gotten to me once again.
You are superior. Absorb the moment!!!
Oh, I get it, you mean the one gallery of the new cards that is up?
Yah, that's one of them
A little rude of you, no? Why not ask one of those suckers how they feel about it?
If they take it that offensively, can you imagine how those people in your forums feel after they had their thoughts smashed into oblivion?
Those people are happy with their purchases apparently. I'm not going come in and attempt to smash their happiness (or their diverse ideas and thoughts, for that matter).
1) We would not mind making a profit...you take business classes in school yet?
Hey, when I teach a bunch of common-knowledge, public-domain legedemain, can I use that excuse, too?
2)I am also glad there are those other sites...I would rather see you stay on one of those instead of coming on E and kissing butt after being over here acting like the big bad boy.
Umm, I wasn't kissing butt. I asked for the date of the release. Is that so bad?
Go ahead and try to find out my intentions for doing so, too. Then use it against me, too. Makes me look stupider and you smarter. Pull off a straw man (or whatever idiom that's called).
Shame on you!
I'm detecting that your hovering over the "ban" button for my account over at E?
Man, that stinks. Now I can't access the haven for bashing other people's perspectives anymore!!!
You post all innocently there about wanting to know the release date of the new decks, but you have been immersed in creating negativity in this thread.
I'm just speaking my mind. My intentions where not to spread negativity. THAT'S for the E forums.... Kidding.
If you are going to do it, at least don't be hypocritical about it.
I just came over to your forum to ask about the release date of the BG deck. I don't listen to those podcasts or read those rumor articles in the forums. So, what better place to ask for the BG release date the form the E forums?
Absorb!!! Abosrb!!! Ultimate superiority!!!
Listen, I fully understand, after all of this time, that it is easy for a 15 year old to get behind the anonymity of a keyboard and to start acting in an inappropriate manner...absorb that.
I'm definitely absorbing that.
You will not get beat up at Ellusionist if you are willing to say the same thing in a civilized manner, with facts and rationale to back it up. You should know that. It is when people post like your above post that they get frosted.
People get mad over "!"s, words filled with capital letters, and sarcasm?
Anything, and I mean anything, said against E always get bashed no matter how civilized the poster expresses his complaint. I've seen it happen time and time again, bad review after bad review.
Didn't you just post a thread about negativity in forums?
lol. When in Rome. (An arcane reference to adopting habits of the locals when in their town). This forum does not care about slang, so it is not hypocritical. Ellusionist does not allow it, so I would not do it there.
"When in Rome, do as the Romans do."
Yah, I'm familiar with that.
Why would my finger be on the ban button at E when you are stating your opinion over here? Are the two sites intertwined?
Actually, I do not think you wouldn't mind banning me. I understand. I guess I wouldn't like kids waltzing around on other forums ranting about my hype strategies and products. ESPECIALLY if that 15. yr old kid was a member of my forums.
Listen, it is easy to fall into the trap of talking trash about the forum you are not on at the time. It is the thing to do.
Why are you so dissapointed that I'm venting my rants over here?
Last I recall, there's only a picture gallery BG thread. So, wouldn't posting my rants there be considered off-topic? Off-topic being something not suggested by the guidelines? Oh wait, they transformed into rules now. That would mean I would get banned for breaking a rule, doesn't it?
Once in awhile it bites you in the ass and you have to answer for it. Instead of mounting what you hope amounts to witty sarcasms, why don't you try to do the right thing.
So the right thing is to go to E's forums to rant a complaint? So what could happen? To have everyone automatically on the offense and get a bad reputation just because I complained about a deck?
Your right. That sounds very logical (uh-oh, more sarcasm).