Blue Monarchs with no barcode on the tuck case

Aug 5, 2018
Hello everyone, I am new to the card collecting and wanted to ask a question I own 3 decks of Theory 11 decks (contraband, union, and blue monarchs). For some reason the Blue Monarchs that I bought from target do not have a barcode on the case. Is that normal?

Lyle Borders

Elite Member
Aug 5, 2008
Seattle, WA
Hello everyone, I am new to the card collecting and wanted to ask a question I own 3 decks of Theory 11 decks (contraband, union, and blue monarchs). For some reason the Blue Monarchs that I bought from target do not have a barcode on the case. Is that normal?

Recent printings of the Monarch deck (and most theory11 decks) no longer have the barcode on them. That change started a couple years ago, and most decks now feature new art on the bottom flap of the tuck case.

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