branching/progressive anagrams?

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Elite Member
Jan 25, 2013
Would someone either explain a bit about what branching and/or progressive anagrams are in mentalism or point me in the right direction to read up on them a bit. I cam across the term earlier and have found a few discussion 'Person XYZ' has a great ebook on branching annagrams or got to this website to buy a progressive anagram program but I am having issues finding anywhere that explains what they actually are.

From the things that I have read I don't think they have much to do with anagrams in the dictionary sense of the word but other than that I am pretty confused. I am happy to do a bunch of reading up on the subject if anyone can just point me in the right direction or give me a basic run down of what the term means.

Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Basically you have a list of, let's say 12 things such as the Zodiac. You can identify which sign a person is by moving through an alphabetical list or sequence that allows you to zero in by way of discarding or reducing the selection.

Here's a more in-depth source

PANAGRAM is a decent generator for creating Progressive Anagrams, it's the one I use.

SENSORY PROJECTION is a more advanced system based on the BA idea but cleaner. While it can be a challenge to develop routines using this technique I've been successful in developing a few.

Mnemosign - Patrick Schlagel is an amazing study on one single effect; guessing a person's zodiac. While it is an advanced study in this one area, I would recommend it to anyone seriously interested in this sort of thing.

You will find one of the earlier versions to the Zodiac routine in Mind, Myth & Magic by T.A. Waters but that's a book you may want to wait on if you're new to mentalism.

If you can track it down Daniel Love has a manuscript entitled DREAM SIGNS which is awesome. . . it takes a very different approach to doing the Zodiac routine that is totally mind boggling. Again, this is a somewhat advanced approach and not everyone is comfortable with it.


Elite Member
Jan 25, 2013
Thanks Craig, that first link was prefect and I am sure the others will be great if I want to pursue this more. I think I may even have a copy of the T A Waters book on my shelf that I picked up a an auction years ago and have yet to dip into.
Dec 18, 2007
Northampton, MA - USA
Thanks Craig, that first link was prefect and I am sure the others will be great if I want to pursue this more. I think I may even have a copy of the T A Waters book on my shelf that I picked up a an auction years ago and have yet to dip into.

You can't miss it, it's probably the thickest book on the shelf.
Hi Guys,

I'm looking for a progressive anagram with the planets of the solar system. You are all discussing apps and sites that can generate, but I was wondering if there is a existing one similar to the Zodiac 'Raise' from Peter Turner.

The idea of planets are also so in line with a Zodiac mentalism routine, that I can imagine someone already created one and published it somewhere?
Oct 28, 2018
In Isabella’s Star 3, Peter Turner explains how to create your own anagrams, but I’m not sure if this is what you are looking for, I’m unfamiliar with Zodaic Raise.
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