Can you spot the magic Trick?


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
Well lets try this again. I tried this yesterday and it failed. So fingers crossed this worked.

Today I'd like Do something different. If you remember a year ago on Wednesday GameNight I had everyone pick their consultants. It was a particularly fun episode. HOWEVER, in it I quickly whipped up a fake television program I'd like to revisit. As magicians we try so hard to come up with tricks that look both impossible but yet real. Sadly as we get more advanced and is harder to fool and thus harder to have fun watching magic. That being said, I have whipped up a little game That I hope could break that. I am presenting THREE incredible and nearly impossible videos, but one of them is IMPOSSIBLE, because its a magic trick(and yes for this I am counting camera tricks magic). That's right! 2 of these videos are real and incredible, but one is completely fake. It is your job to guess in the comments what video is the magic trick. I do ask for no cheating. Do not google any fact checking of my explanation. Next week I will return with the reveal. So without Further ado lets begin with:


In this incredible Trick shot a father and son perfectly time both a golf shot and a cup flip. The golf shot bounces off a piece of wood and launches at a rainbow angle and perfectly lands in the exact spot needed to, which alone would be difficult for a stationary cup. HOWEVER That doesn't include the brilliant work of the child who manages to flip the cup at the exact right time to catch it, making this double trick one to marvel at.

This brand new invention from the boring company INSTANTLY changes the temperature of water. This mat uses the molecular properties of liquid nitrogen and dry ice in order to instantly prevent the movement of molecules and thus causing the molecules to freeze. When water begins cooling to its freezing point ice crystals begin to form within the water making these impurities speed up the crystallization process to what looks to the eye as super human.

This funky Mushroom appears to change colors right in front of your eyes. This change is the result of the bolete mushrooms' enzymatic oxidation of Variegatic acid and Xerocomic acid. In other words: Air make colors go "woahz!"

There it is! You may re-watch and study each video! they all look good! Well... besides that first video I mean that bottle on the bottom of that cup CLEARLY is just there to fit a magnet that's inside the ball, right? Well now that I think about it.. it is odd the guy in the second video doesn't try out the other temp settings... and that mushroom guy do have good lightening and nice camera set up I'm sure he his video editing software would have a hue adjustment which could easily make that possible... You know what... Its up to you! Go down write your guess in the comments! I ask you to please mark your guess as spoiler (It is a setting when you are typing. It's in the tool bar and looks like an Eye with a line through it). I also ask you to look at everyone else's comments AFTER your post. I want you to see if you can do it! Good luck to all! (PS IF GIF STOP WORKING MODS CAN DELTE THIS THREAD!)


Elite Member
Nov 1, 2009
New Jersey
So, there are issues with all of them. In the golf one, the cup is clearly heavily weighted and possibly magnetized so it lands cup top up in a certain spot. The golf shot isn't as difficult as it looks for a professional golfer -- which this guy appears to be (a PGA Pro, not a touring professional) but there is something right before the ball goes into the cup where the ball becomes less than visible. In the second video, the paper has nothing to do with the effect. There are methods to do this -- I actually saw a bottle of sparkling water entirely freeze when opened at a restaurant. The third one has an inconsistency in the filming. The bottom of the second piece of the mushroom becomes blue despite not being blue at the beginning despite being exposed to outside air. I'll go out on a limb and answer that none of them are as they appear.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
So it appears the gifs worked! I am very thankfull for that this took significantly more time than it should've. Forgive me us southerns don't get tech too well...
Dec 22, 2019
I believe the first one is fake. For the second GIF (btw, is pronounced Gif with the hard G ;)) there's a pretty well known method and for the third one... oxidation I guess? We need a mushroom expert for that.


Elite Member
Nov 12, 2016
LA (Lower Alabama)
The trick was...

NUMBER 2! and it was made...BY ME!
The mat is just a piece of paper I printed some silly stuff on. The explanation is just a bunch a goblty gook on an over simplified way water freezes. Banging a just frozen bottle can cause water to freeze instantly. More info here. The mat had NOTHING to do with it, and any tech was just made in the mind of Ol' rusty.

Number 1, as reality said, its performed by someone with above average golf skills.
You can Check Him Out here

Number 3, The mushroom is exactly as described and extremely hard from my pea sized brain to understand You can read more about it here
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