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Sep 1, 2007
Bear in mind that Akira Fuji's pass video was taken with a pretty bad camera.
It may look nice on screen but not as much in real situations.
Feb 21, 2008
In my opinion the pass doesn't have to be a not-visible-to-the-human-eye thing. The two passes I use (Dribble pass and Gregory Wilson's Backstage pass) are not even near perfect, but I don't stop performing because of this. I've never been caught.

When you're executing a pass your spectators aren't supposed to stare at your hands. IMO pass is all about timing, misdirection and justification of your movements.

If you wan't your pass to be invisible on Youtube ("Hey guys, this is my pass. Check it out!") then it's a whole another thing. I myself have no need to prove my technical skills to other Youtuber-magicians, I might be wrong when I think that you're supposed to entertain the laymen instead.
Sep 1, 2007
Los Angeles, California
Bear in mind that Akira Fuji's pass video was taken with a pretty bad camera.
It may look nice on screen but not as much in real situations.

I have talked to some people who have seen the pass in real life, they said it looks exactly the same.

And Akira have practiced his pass for more than 12 years... why shouldn't it look like this in real life?
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